Todays Daily Mail article on MA

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A guy from the Daily Mail was on SSN this morning talking about MA, Leicester and this article.

He said that he believes Martin Allen is a future Premiership manager and was generally really positive about him and City.
I so hope he is successful,everyone will love him, he's such a character and finally he can put to rest ghost of MON which has hung over us for a while now.
I don't know if I should be scared or what. But for the first time in donkeys years I can't wait for the new season to start...Come on !!
They mention he has the UEFA Pro License, which I wasn't aware of, and that it's only a select group who have it. Good to hear. Does anyone know who the rest of the "few" are?
"When he was at MK Dons, he took the players to Bournemouth in a battered minibus. He took them to a hotel that had a small swimming pool that wasn't heated.

"He ordered them to take off their clothes and jump in. Two refused. Two weeks later, both players had left the club. It's commitment."

Maybe thats why Mackay and Fuccillo were sacked? :102::icon_lol:
I wasnt 'sold' when we apointed him and still hae a ew reservations but f nothing else he has me excited about the new season and thats not happened for a good few years now. :038::038::038:
They mention he has the UEFA Pro License, which I wasn't aware of, and that it's only a select group who have it. Good to hear. Does anyone know who the rest of the "few" are?

Qualified in 2002
Dick Bate
Noel Blake
Terry Burton
Steve Cotterill
Mervyn Day
Dario Gradi
Stewart Houston
Martin Hunter
Chris Hughton
Sammy Lee
Lawrie Sanchez
Alan Smith

Qualified in 2003
Stuart Baxter
Phil Brown
Willie Donachie
Joe Joyce
Derek Fazackerley
Stuart Gray
John McDermott
Mark McGhee
Alan Pardew
Stuart Pearce
Nigel Pearson
David Platt
Hope Powell - the only female to qualify
Nigel Spackman
Dave Watson
Peter Withe
Nigel Worthington

Qualified in 2004
Mark Bowen
Paul Bracewell
John Carver
Stephen Constantine
Kevin Dillon
Iain Dowie
Wally Downes
David Geddis
Joe Jordan
Bryan Klug
Nicky Law
Brian Laws
Steve McClaren
Neil McDonald
Richard Money
Tony Mowbray
Sean O'Driscoll
John Peacock
Geoff Pike
Steve Round
Kevin Sheedy
Paul Simpson
Steve Walford
Mark Hughes

Qualified in 2005
Ian Atkins
Andy Barlow
Frank Barlow
Kevin Blackwell
George Burley
Ian Butterworth
Bryan Klug
Colin Lee
Gary Megson
John Morling
Phil Parkinson
Bryan Robson
Glynn Snodin
Sam Allardyce
Steve McClaren

Qualified in 2006
Martin Allen
Kevin Bond
Adrian Boothroyd
Steve Clarke
John Collins
Paul Davis
Nigel Gibbs
Kenny Jackett
Martin Ling
Greg Livermore

John McMahon
Keith Millen
Eddie Niedzwiecki
Chris Ramsey
Martin Scott
René Meulensteen
Dave Penney
Neil Thompson
Roy Keane
Lee Freeman
I like the bit where he talks about the parents of the Winchester under-9s:

""They were welcome to attend matches, but they were allowed to shout only two things: 'Well played' or 'Good pass' and nothing else. "

Perhaps he should give the same message to the 30,000 fans that he expects to see at the Walkers!
For me this is like a breath of fresh air in the club. His methods seemed to be geared to be putting fight, loyalty, pride and commitment back into the players and that has got to be worth a few extra points over a season. Maybe the Foxes never die mantra is on it's way back.

What is strange that is that I feel both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. Can't wait for August 11 but perhaps it's been the crap few years we have had recently that makes me dread it too!
Qualified in 2002
Dick Bate
Noel Blake
Terry Burton
Steve Cotterill
Mervyn Day
Dario Gradi
Stewart Houston
Martin Hunter
Chris Hughton
Sammy Lee
Lawrie Sanchez
Alan Smith

Qualified in 2003
Stuart Baxter
Phil Brown
Willie Donachie
Joe Joyce
Derek Fazackerley
Stuart Gray
John McDermott
Mark McGhee
Alan Pardew
Stuart Pearce
Nigel Pearson
David Platt
Hope Powell - the only female to qualify
Nigel Spackman
Dave Watson
Peter Withe
Nigel Worthington

Qualified in 2004
Mark Bowen
Paul Bracewell
John Carver
Stephen Constantine
Kevin Dillon
Iain Dowie
Wally Downes
David Geddis
Joe Jordan
Bryan Klug
Nicky Law
Brian Laws
Steve McClaren
Neil McDonald
Richard Money
Tony Mowbray
Sean O'Driscoll
John Peacock
Geoff Pike
Steve Round
Kevin Sheedy
Paul Simpson
Steve Walford
Mark Hughes

Qualified in 2005
Ian Atkins
Andy Barlow
Frank Barlow
Kevin Blackwell
George Burley
Ian Butterworth
Bryan Klug
Colin Lee
Gary Megson
John Morling
Phil Parkinson
Bryan Robson
Glynn Snodin
Sam Allardyce
Steve McClaren

Qualified in 2006
Martin Allen
Kevin Bond
Adrian Boothroyd
Steve Clarke
John Collins
Paul Davis
Nigel Gibbs
Kenny Jackett
Martin Ling
Greg Livermore

John McMahon
Keith Millen
Eddie Niedzwiecki
Chris Ramsey
Martin Scott
René Meulensteen
Dave Penney
Neil Thompson
Roy Keane
Lee Freeman

So that's how he got the England job
Qualified in 2002
Dick Bate
Noel Blake
Terry Burton
Steve Cotterill
Mervyn Day
Dario Gradi
Stewart Houston
Martin Hunter
Chris Hughton
Sammy Lee
Lawrie Sanchez
Alan Smith

Qualified in 2003
Stuart Baxter
Phil Brown
Willie Donachie
Joe Joyce
Derek Fazackerley
Stuart Gray
John McDermott
Mark McGhee
Alan Pardew
Stuart Pearce
Nigel Pearson
David Platt
Hope Powell - the only female to qualify
Nigel Spackman
Dave Watson
Peter Withe
Nigel Worthington

Qualified in 2004
Mark Bowen
Paul Bracewell
John Carver
Stephen Constantine
Kevin Dillon
Iain Dowie
Wally Downes
David Geddis
Joe Jordan
Bryan Klug
Nicky Law
Brian Laws
Steve McClaren
Neil McDonald
Richard Money
Tony Mowbray
Sean O'Driscoll
John Peacock
Geoff Pike
Steve Round
Kevin Sheedy
Paul Simpson
Steve Walford
Mark Hughes

Qualified in 2005
Ian Atkins
Andy Barlow
Frank Barlow
Kevin Blackwell
George Burley
Ian Butterworth
Bryan Klug
Colin Lee
Gary Megson
John Morling
Phil Parkinson
Bryan Robson
Glynn Snodin
Sam Allardyce
Steve McClaren

Qualified in 2006
Martin Allen
Kevin Bond
Adrian Boothroyd
Steve Clarke
John Collins
Paul Davis
Nigel Gibbs
Kenny Jackett
Martin Ling
Greg Livermore

John McMahon
Keith Millen
Eddie Niedzwiecki
Chris Ramsey
Martin Scott
René Meulensteen
Dave Penney
Neil Thompson
Roy Keane
Lee Freeman

Cheers Ox! When the Mail article said it was a "few", it really isn't is it, unless they meant a few dozen.
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