Todays Daily Mail article on MA

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I wasnt 'sold' when we apointed him and still hae a ew reservations but f nothing else he has me excited about the new season and thats not happened for a good few years now. :038::038::038:

I agree Duzza (after I worked out what you were trying to say :icon_wink:icon_lol:)

MA can talk the talk, lets hope he can walk the walk.
Cheers Ox! When the Mail article said it was a "few", it really isn't is it, unless they meant a few dozen.
Thats what i was thinking. It's more or less every enlgish manager/assistant in league football :icon_lol:

Your confusion stems from your reading of the article. The Daily Mail did not say that it was a few - they said that he is "one of a select band". Quite a different thing and based on merit, not on number.
Your confusion stems from your reading of the article. The Daily Mail did not say that it was a few - they said that he is "one of a select band". Quite a different thing and based on merit, not on number.

Thanks for that little explanation. Select is the operative word, and altho merit is true to the extent that he has achieved a certain standard, the word select isn't, as it implies he's one of a few, which he certainly isn't.
Thanks for that little explanation. Select is the operative word, and altho merit is true to the extent that he has achieved a certain standard, the word select isn't, as it implies he's one of a few, which he certainly isn't.

If you stop and think about how many coaches are involved in football from top to bottom.. it seems like a few to me
If you stop and think about how many coaches are involved in football from top to bottom.. it seems like a few to me

Well there are 90 or so (can't be arsed to count em) in that list posted by Ox. And they passed in the last 5 years. And there are 94 teams (?) in the league.

I suppose there are coaches and managers at clubs who both do the course so it's not every club, but nevertheless, I wouldn't use that phrase.
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I'm always intrigued by the qualifications side of things. There have obviously been very capable coaches and managers in the past who've done perfectly well without, and MON and Coppell are notable exclusions from that list. But if you look down, most of the highly-rated young managers seem to be on there (Mowbray, Boothroyd, Penney et al) and there are very few names that would make you groan (Bryan Robson, can't really see anyone else). Which leads me to wonder... How important is this licence? Would it actually be more important for a coach than a manager? Should managers be looking to recruit assistants and coaching staff who are so qualified?
His sister is, I believe, J L Bate
For me this is like a breath of fresh air in the club. His methods seemed to be geared to be putting fight, loyalty, pride and commitment back into the players and that has got to be worth a few extra points over a season. Maybe the Foxes never die mantra is on it's way back.

What is strange that is that I feel both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. Can't wait for August 11 but perhaps it's been the crap few years we have had recently that makes me dread it too!
you can only be one or the other. kp your just confused:icon_wink
Thanks for that little explanation. Select is the operative word, and altho merit is true to the extent that he has achieved a certain standard, the word select isn't, as it implies he's one of a few, which he certainly isn't.

Nonsense! When used as an adjective, the word 'select' means 'specially chosen' or 'exclusive'. It has nothing at all to do with number.
**** me.... If he's relying on Elvis to save his career we're all ****ed...
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