Todays Daily Mail article on MA

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Ha ha I know! But that's my point. How is it exclusive, when there are so many others?

You seem to misunderstand the meaning of exclusive as well, somehow connecting it with 'a small number' or 'few'. If something is said to be exclusive it is belongs to a single group or source and therefore excludes things not in that group or from that source. Nothing to do with number.
I sense Boc may get a season ticket. Not sure why. Just do.

I can assure you that I will not be joining that select, exclusive and not-so-small group who hold a Leicester City season ticket for the 2007/08 season.
ex·clu·sive –adjective

1. not admitting of something else; incompatible: mutually exclusive plans of action.
2. omitting from consideration or account (often fol. by of): a profit of ten percent, exclusive of taxes.
3. limited to the object or objects designated: exclusive attention to business.
4. shutting out all others from a part or share: an exclusive right to film the novel.
5. fashionable; stylish: to patronize only the most exclusive designers.
6. charging comparatively high prices; expensive: exclusive shops.
7. noting that in which no others have a share: exclusive information.
8. single or sole: the exclusive means of communication between two places.
9. disposed to resist the admission of outsiders to association, intimacy, etc.: an exclusive circle of intimate friends.
10. admitting only members of a socially restricted or very carefully selected group: an exclusive club.
11. excluding or tending to exclude, as from use or possession: exclusive laws.
12. Grammar. (of the first person plural) excluding the person or persons spoken to, as we in We'll see you later. Compare inclusive (def. 4).
–noun 13. Journalism. a piece of news, or the reporting of a piece of news, obtained by a newspaper or other news organization, along with the privilege of using it first.
14. an exclusive right or privilege: to have an exclusive on providing fuel oil to the area.
mad dogs awesum...this is the most ive been looking forward to a season in a very very long time.
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1Manchester C  412
5Aston Villa49
7Nottm F48
10Manchester U46
13Tottenham 44
14West Ham44