As someone with a passion for architectural history I am impelled to put the Capitol building before the politics. If you want to embody power you go for ancient Rome and any Caesar would have approved of the Capitol. (1)
One of my constant themes is that journalists have the historical understanding of a goldfish. Emily Maitland claimed that this was the first time America had chosen a non-politician as President, Completely untrue. Grant and Eisenhower had never been politicians. (2)
When parties lose elections there is a danger that they will blame the candidate - Hillary was in fact a better candidate than either of those in 1976, 1988 or 2000 The other danger is to blame presentation. Anything rather than admit that people understood the argument and did not agree with it. Democrats would do well to ask why tens of millions of women voted for a chauvinist like Trump rather than a well qualified woman Instead of calling Trump supporters "deplorable" the Democrats might try listening to them.
Beware of the word " populist". This is a term invented by elites to disguise their failure to connect with ordinary voters. This was summed up by Meryl Streep who attacked Trump by linking him to American football and (bizarrely) MMA. Bruce Springsteen sneered at Donald Trump but my guess is that most of those who buy his music were Trump supporters.
Trump's victory is a victory for the Tea Party over the Occupy Movement. I do not agree with the Tea Party but they earned their victory. They read the boring reports, attended the boring meetings and did the boring jobs. In the 1960s I worked as a totally unimportant foot soldier for the Labour Party spending long hours putting leaflets into envelopes and sticking on stamps to try and get Harold Wilson re-elected. . I thought then - and still think - the hippies were contemptible and playing at protest. The Occupy Movement are the modern hippies playing at politics.
The key feature of democracy is accepting the will of the voters. As American politics has become more partisan this has become a dangerous problem. Republicans claimed Barack Obama was not a legitimate President. Now Democrats have decided that Donald Trump is not a legitimate President. Well done to Hillary Clinton for attending the inauguration "in the name of democracy". (3)
(1) Incidentally Julius Caesar, arguably the most brilliant politician. would never have become President. Since the TV age (1960 election onwards) no bald man has ever won a Presidential election.
(2) Eisenhower was so non-political that both parties approached him to be a candidate since nobody knew which party he supported. Eisenhower is now largely forgotten since he was deliberately low key. However, I regard him not only as the most brilliant American general but also as a very great man.
(3) Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. There are serious arguments for the electoral college system but 2016 has thrown it into question.