What have you achieved today?

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I managed to lock myself out of my house earlier which made me an hour late for work. :icon_bigg

Whoops. I did that once. The irritating thing was I could see the keys on the shelf by the door but just couldn't reach them through the letter box. I even borrowed a coat hanger from a neighbour. If I'd not minded about the damage I could have broken the window and been inside within seconds. Instead I waited 3 hours for someone with a spare set.
I dont want an explanation but surely they only have one song?:102:

Each different type had its own theme tune( Mighty Morphin, Zoe, Turbo, etc) so theres around ten theme tunes on it plus various other tracks such as go gold ranger.
Not exactly achieved this today but more so in the past 10 days or so.

Decided that as I'm in my final year at university I better start doing my dissertation soon otherwise it will be completely too late. Started it last Monday and managed to write about 10,000 words so far so its looking sweet as a beat at the minute, just wish I started back in September, which is when I should of done so it would be top quality but learned that its never too late to start on something!

Anythings possible if you put your mind to it!!
Not exactly achieved this today but more so in the past 10 days or so.

Decided that as I'm in my final year at university I better start doing my dissertation soon otherwise it will be completely too late. Started it last Monday and managed to write about 10,000 words so far so its looking sweet as a beat at the minute, just wish I started back in September, which is when I should of done so it would be top quality but learned that its never too late to start on something!

Anythings possible if you put your mind to it!!

it was about this time last year that i thought the same thing
it was about this time last year that i thought the same thing

Yeah I was bricking it until I actually started writting some of it, TBH I think the majority of students are like this, well most of the ones I know are, but most of my housemates do have an extra month to do theirs. Mines Got to be handed in 3 weeks on Tuesday!! Should get it done no probs, just gona have to work 'like a Japanese prisoner of war' to get it done but its not much to ask to go hardcore on the work for just 4-5 weeks out of 3 years!!
cool, let me know the details please:)

Well theres one that is £2.85 and one thats just a quid. Plus there will be the add on of p and p. The dearer one is, i believe, the one with the shadow borg and the other is where they go metalix. Just type in beetleborgs on videos on amazon and you should be able to buy them as long as you have a cheque book or credit card.
Well theres one that is £2.85 and one thats just a quid. Plus there will be the add on of p and p. The dearer one is, i believe, the one with the shadow borg and the other is where they go metalix. Just type in beetleborgs on videos on amazon and you should be able to buy them as long as you have a cheque book or credit card.

Thanks for that info!:038:
I managed to catch a bus into Aston and back out again without:
a) being mugged
b) being made to smoke someone elses fag
c) having to listen to shite R&B on a cellphone speaker
I managed to catch a bus into Aston and back out again without:
a) being mugged
b) being made to smoke someone elses fag
c) having to listen to shite R&B on a cellphone speaker

:eek: are you sure you were in Birmingham?

started off ok but then went downhill fast
I was rather hoping to read a post from Melton in this thread this evening.

I haven't achieved anything today. In fact I've wasted most of the day trying to book a half decent holiday for next week. I spent so many hours dithering, that I gave up :icon_sad:
I was rather hoping to read a post from Melton in this thread this evening.

I haven't achieved anything today. In fact I've wasted most of the day trying to book a half decent holiday for next week. I spent so many hours dithering, that I gave up :icon_sad:

Where were you thinking of going to? :102:
Whoops. I did that once. The irritating thing was I could see the keys on the shelf by the door but just couldn't reach them through the letter box. I even borrowed a coat hanger from a neighbour. If I'd not minded about the damage I could have broken the window and been inside within seconds. Instead I waited 3 hours for someone with a spare set.

When I was about 16 I returned home to find my mum and dad locked out of our house. I didn't have a key so I slid my bus pass through the door frame, which opened the door, took about three seconds for me to get in!
If I'd got home a few minutes later my dad would have broken a window to get in :icon_roll

Not surprisingly they had the lock changed soon after.
Where were you thinking of going to? :102:

That's half the problem, Steven. I couldn't decide whether to go abroad or not. Mr. mg solved my dilemma by announcing that he's got far too much work to do and couldn't possibly have any time off :icon_roll
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