Allen Gone!!!

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What the feck is all the anguish about. In case anybody has forgotten it's MM's club and he can hire and fire whoever he likes. As I recall the majority of people on this forum welcomed MM's takeover. He is only behaving in much the same manner as he has done in the past so if you supported his takeover then you'll have to put up with the way he behaves, several posters on here gave good warnings of the way he was likely to behave.

MA has gone for one of 3 reasons;
1. MM has looked at the team, quickly made his mind up that he did not like what he saw and made a change whilst there is still plenty of the season left.
2. MM didn't like MA's attitude regarding the way the club was being run and told him to get on message or f*** off.
3. There has been some sort of incident in the recent past which makes MA's position at the club untenable.

Of course as mere fans we will never be told the truth so we are left to endlessly speculate, hence the success of TB.

Personally I liked MA's attitude and I think that he would have become a decent manager. I can see, however, that some of the attributes (honesty, passion, committment, communication, self-belief) that the fans in particular liked could antagonise people with an ego who perhaps thought their position more important than that of manager.

I can only hope that MM can now bring in a quality manager who can quickly win the respect of the players and stand up for homself. A MM yes man will do the club no good at all.

Radio 5 report that Gary Megson is front runner!!!!
i am absolutely disgusted!!!

3 games before we sack the best manager IMHO since MoN. Blackpool.....unlucky not to have won with the chances we had! Palace......unlucky to conceed in the last min, and we stuffed Watford!

Someone please explain how we are not going in the right direction??? Mandaric, you are a joke....who's going to want to come to work for you now knowing they might get maybe 5 games before being given the chop because you didn't get your own way!

it absolute BullShit!!!! and if he does appoint Warnock/Reoder or any other yes man muppet, i'll take my season ticket back to the stadium and hand it back to the Serb twat!

I wouldn't have minded if we hadn't been promoted this season or next, as long as it looked like the team played with a little passion...

we just look totally unprofessional and i hope MA goes to a decent club and show MM up for the twat he is!!! he ****ed up when he sacked Redknapp, looks like he hasn't learned a thing!!!
All in all it's a sady predictable situation.
The thing about successful,self-made men like Mandaric is that they fall into 2 types.
Type 1 is the sort that acknowledges that they don't know everything about everything & surround themselves with people who excel in areas that they themselves don't.
Type 2 is the Mandaric type.They look at their successful lives & careers & genuinely believe that they can do no wrong.They don't respond well to either criticism or the contrary opinions of others.
LCFC to mandaric is Portsmouth part 2.
Look at the facts.
When you break it down there are very close similarities between Harry Redknapp & Martin Allen.Both unconventional,both mavericks,both passionate about what they do & both determined to succeed on their own terms.
In other words,both very like Mandaric himself.
To men like Milan,other men like themselves that they can understand & relate to on a personal level are a very attractive proposition...until that is they actually start working with them!
Men like this HAVE to be in charge.They have to be the boss,the big man,no ifs buts or maybes,no compromise.
Milan got rid of Redknapp at Pompey & it was a disaster.He got in more sedate,subordinate types & they just weren't up to the task.Result? Harry had to come back,saved the club & put them in the right direction.To Milan this must have tasted bitter.Harry is the hero at Fratton Park,not him.
Subconsciously at least (maybe even consciously) he can't possibly live with this.It equates to failure,it equates to being WRONG.A man like Milan can NEVER accept this.It isn't in his nature.
LCFC is an opportunity to do it all again in the same way & this time prove he can do it.Unfortunately his nature also tells him 'I need a man like me to help me' equally unfortunately he once again finds that he can't share power.He thought he could be he can't.
So there you have it.That's why he came back into football so soon after leaving Pompey,the chance to repeat the process & this time get it right & be the hero.But you can't change the essential nature that has made you everything that you are,so here we go again on the rollercoaster.
That's what we bought into & we're stuck with it.
The problem with it is that whatever the truth about the situation in detail the one thing that is 100% clear is that MA was not sacked (& he was sacked make no mistake,that "mutual consent" stuff is utter bollux) for football reasons but for a personality clash.Happens in business all the time but it bloody well shouldn't.Everyone works with people they don't like,all over the world in every possible arena,but they get on with it.Theer needs to be a bit of that here.But with a man like Milan there never,ver will be.
take the long view people,it's all we can do_Our club is financially sound which wasn't the case a year ago.When Milan leaves whoever takes over will inherit a healthier club than we thought possible not so long ago.
By that measure we are in good shape,but we DO have to ride the rollercoaster.For now.

Btw...despite understanding all of this,it's still the case that MA has been treated appallingly.I feel for the guy I really do.& I wish him well.& I hope that the fact that he has built up everything squad-wise in pre-season & has got the players playing with some guts & desire doesn't evaporate once he's gone.Otherwise it's going to be a long,grim season.Again.
Give him a chance!!!! He inherited a pile a site and we had made a ig step forward. I dont know where you got 5m from.....maybe you were off the day that they taught sums at school?

Big step forward in what? He won one game and they were made to look idiots in first half performances against Blackpool and Forest.

5 million

2.1 million for Campbell
1 million for Clemence

There's 3.1 million - I bet signing on fees and undisclosed's reached 5 mil easy.

You can't argue against Allen's lack of a record to Jewell's record. I am going to stop here because it's not worth argue when someone has already decided to attempt a personal attack.

Martin Allen is not Harry Redknapp

'site' and 'ig' make no sense to me.
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What the feck is all the anguish about. In case anybody has forgotten it's MM's club and he can hire and fire whoever he likes. As I recall the majority of people on this forum welcomed MM's takeover. He is only behaving in much the same manner as he has done in the past so if you supported his takeover then you'll have to put up with the way he behaves, several posters on here gave good warnings of the way he was likely to behave.

MA has gone for one of 3 reasons;
1. MM has looked at the team, quickly made his mind up that he did not like what he saw and made a change whilst there is still plenty of the season left.
2. MM didn't like MA's attitude regarding the way the club was being run and told him to get on message or f*** off.
3. There has been some sort of incident in the recent past which makes MA's position at the club untenable.

Of course as mere fans we will never be told the truth so we are left to endlessly speculate, hence the success of TB.

Personally I liked MA's attitude and I think that he would have become a decent manager. I can see, however, that some of the attributes (honesty, passion, committment, communication, self-belief) that the fans in particular liked could antagonise people with an ego who perhaps thought their position more important than that of manager.

I can only hope that MM can now bring in a quality manager who can quickly win the respect of the players and stand up for homself. A MM yes man will do the club no good at all.

Radio 5 report that Gary Megson is front runner!!!!

No,3 is spot on....:038::038:
No, I am sure he has received a big pay off but, it doesn't look good on his CV does it? He might not get another chance at this level for some time.
the writing was on the wall.i said a few days ago when he started loving everyone ie the club,the players the job he was a dead man walking.i give about as much of a toss about his cv has he does mine.
from bbc gossip column

Leicester manager Martin O'Neill could be replaced by Brendan Rodgers, who is part of Chelsea's backroom staff. (Daily Mirror)

MON would be good
Well no better time than this to do my first post. I have followed city for a number of years and get to as meny games as my job allows, but MM has F@@#@d up big time. Just because he has not got on with MA, he pushes him out!!! May be we should open on Vbookie how many managers we have this season and whom will stick thier tounge the furthest up his backside. The prem will come but we need time to get a team that will keep us there, and if it takes a couple of seasons who cares.

my message to MM :098:
from bbc gossip column

Leicester manager Martin O'Neill could be replaced by Brendan Rodgers, who is part of Chelsea's backroom staff. (Daily Mirror)

MON would be good

Naaa dont think he would come back to City, just can't see it happening.
i am absolutely disgusted!!!

3 games before we sack the best manager IMHO since MoN. Blackpool.....unlucky not to have won with the chances we had! Palace......unlucky to conceed in the last min, and we stuffed Watford!

explain this crap please, its laughable
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