Blackpool Post Match Thread

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well third time lucky perhaps?

Well I suppose if people keep saying it and its passed on through the generations then it will happen one day.It wouldn't be third time,it would be 4th.
Im supposed to be one of the negative gloomy feckers on here..:icon_conf
Im supposed to be one of the negative gloomy feckers on here..:icon_conf

in the past i've been quite indifferent about it all and just gone along with the tedius journey. this season i have been so fecked off by our team because there are players i know are capable, unlike previous unknowns or known to be shites, and they are still feckin incompetent...not sure how. whether it is desire or what, its just not good enough
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I'm in quite a good mood at the moment though HF, its not all doom and gloom.

I've never thought we were anything but a moderate side BG but all this talk of our imminent relegation is just ridiculous
in the past i've been quite indifferent about it all and just gone along with the tedius journey. this season i have been so fecked off by our team because there are players i know are capable, unlike previous unknowns or known to be shites, and they are still feckin incompetent

Agreed but give the likes of Howard,Oakley,The Hungarians,Hayles(although he is shite) a chance.We have a better side than we did any time in the past 3 years and we didn't go down then
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I've never thought we were anything but a moderate side BG but all this talk of our imminent relegation is just ridiculous

well every time we lose a match, the reaction is certain relegation, or a change of manager.
I am over the moon tonight, I didn't get a ticket for the match, so I didn't sit in freezing cold weather, I didn't see us lose to a last gasp goal, I didn't see a scots dwarf score against us and I have got fish for tea.
Agreed but give the likes of Howard,Oakley,The Hungarians,Hayles(although he is shite) a chance.We have a better side than we did any time in the past 3 years and we didn't go down then

since mid-december i have just given up on our side being worth anyones effort. many people have been over positive due to the last three games but i just can't be. norwich we were riidiculously flukey to get away without a total hammering, palace was a good effort but perhaps a fluke win. coventry was the only good performance that showed promise. that is our season as far as most people see it, three games and we are supposedly good enough again...
"We didn't turn up for 45 minutes and I'm absolutely fuming," he said.

"I'm sick and tired that we take one step forward and then two back.

"We need to get back-to-back wins and we haven't done that all season, which is a disgrace for a club the size of ours and the players I've actually got here.

"I'm expecting this lot to be stronger than that because away from home at the moment we look weak.

"We could have climbed up the division today but we've dropped back and we've got to realise that we're in a right scrap."

Holloway's words,at least he isn't offering feeble excuses and 'we are where we are'
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since mid-december i have just given up on our side being worth anyones effort. many people have been over positive due to the last three games but i just can't be. norwich we were riidiculously flukey to get away without a total hammering, palace was a good effort but perhaps a fluke win. coventry was the only good performance that showed promise. that is our season as far as most people see it, three games and we are supposedly good enough again...

Nobody could ever accuse me of that
we've got to realise that we're in a right scrap."

no shit sherlock, its his fecking job to sort it. its all well and good stating the obvious after games but perhaps its a little late by then
"We didn't turn up for 45 minutes and I'm absolutely fuming," he said.

"I'm sick and tired that we take one step forward and then two back.

"We need to get back-to-back wins and we haven't done that all season, which is a disgrace for a club the size of ours and the players I've actually got here.

"I'm expecting this lot to be stronger than that because away from home at the moment we look weak.

"We could have climbed up the division today but we've dropped back and we've got to realise that we're in a right scrap."

Holloway's words,at least he isn't offering feeble excuses and 'we are where we are'

Even more evidence for why I think this is the right man to take our club forward.

The fact we havnt had two back to back wins is a disgrace, and I am also sick and tired with this season.
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