Disabled Supporters

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I don't think anybody is failing to empathise with disabled people.

There are plenty of people who can't afford to go to football matches; disabled people are not the only ones.

Brown Nose has already pointed out that disabled people and their carers can continue to sit wherever they like on a half-price basis. That seems fair to me. Why do you choose to ignore it?

Are you arguing against the carer system, or against the fact disabled people also get reduced ticket prices? Or both?
Because you seemed to be suggesting the only reason she was there was to provide me free entry. This topic has strayed from just football and you seem to begrudge anyone having a free carer to anything unless they are in a near vegetative state.

I'm pretty sure you've never lived with someone who's deaf. If you had you wouldn't be so flippant in your response. It might not be as noticeable as pushing someone around in a wheel chair, but it's needed none the less.

I've been 100's of places where I've spent almost every second helping her understand what's going on. So much so we've paid again to go in so I could actually take everything in. Without the free carer we'd of had to pay 4 times or 3 if I've gone back in on my own.

I've also been places that I had no interest in going to. If she was hearing she could have gone on her own, but she's not so I've had to go to help her. Should we have to pay twice just because people don't make provisions for the deaf?

Back to football in general. I've already said it's debatable whether free carer tickets for the deaf at football are correct, your hearing isn't needed to enjoy the game. I've never taken advantage of it and probably never will.

If you wanted to look at it from a health and safety standpoint though (which unfortunately football clubs have to do to a ridiculous level) then yes she would need someone there with her.

99.9% of the time she'd probably be fine at football and need no help at all, except ordering food or drink or letting her know when someone wants to get by. Health and safety don't look a the 99.99% though... they focus on the 0.01%.

I know what you're saying, but what you're asking for is almost impossible. And would probably cost the club more to try and implement than it does to give away a few tickets on the cheap.

:038: Well said mate. The problem is everyone thinks that disabled people get everything for nothing and just sponge off everyone else. In my own experience nothing could be further from the truth. You have to fight for everything and even then you don't get it.
As for empathy for the disabled Boc, I'm not sure about that having read the thread. I know waht you are saying about the football aspect but there are a few "Daily Mail" reader type swipes at the disabled in general that they get everything for nowt and still moan about it. As I say, not true in my experience. I guess I'll just have to remain to be convinced that people really care, this thread has not helped me.
The thread began with a serious issue and there were some mean spirited comments. There were however also some funny ones. I think Babylon is lumping both together which is a mistake. There is room for humour on most topics. I am friendly with a couple where the husband is beginning to suffer from Alzheimars which is a horrible problem. They are trying where possible to laugh at it - him claiming he has forgotten how to wash up etc. It helps some of the time. I remember David Blunkett the politician was very good at laughing at his blindness.
As I am a naturally frivolous character I have a flippant question for Babylon. What kind of boyfriend orders food for his girlfriend at a football ground? There are some wonderful eating places around - the Kings Lock Tea Rooms opens two weeks today. Take her somewhere nice to eat before the match, she will thank you and so will the people you push past to get the food at the match.
Are you arguing against the carer system, or against the fact disabled people also get reduced ticket prices? Or both?

I think there is good reason for disabled people (and others) to get reduced price entry to many places. Early in the thread, I wrote that I thought it was odd that two people, one of whom happened to be handicapped, could get into a match at the Walkers more cheaply than a person attending on his own. I stand by that comment.
The thread began with a serious issue...

The thread began with a request for statistics regarding the number of disabled fans attending matches at the Walkers from somebody who felt he was being disadvantaged by the club's change of policy.

It has been suggested that because the club is a 'business' the motive for the change of policy might be to raise revenue. I wonder if the club might say something different.
:038: Well said mate. The problem is everyone thinks that disabled people get everything for nothing and just sponge off everyone else. In my own experience nothing could be further from the truth. You have to fight for everything and even then you don't get it.
As for empathy for the disabled Boc, I'm not sure about that having read the thread. I know waht you are saying about the football aspect but there are a few "Daily Mail" reader type swipes at the disabled in general that they get everything for nowt and still moan about it. As I say, not true in my experience. I guess I'll just have to remain to be convinced that people really care, this thread has not helped me.

I dislike the phrase "Daily Mail reader type" and the phrase "Guardian reader type." Both papers occasionally lapse into bigotry but are far better newspapers than their detractors allow.

Both papers include bigotry but by labelling the whole paper you ignore the serious issues both papers often raise.

As someone who often reads both papers how am I to be both a daily Mail type and a Guardian type.

It may surprise the Daily Mails detractors to know the last political extremist I read an article by in the Mail was the left wing Yasmin Alibhai Brown and that the Mail has strongly and frequently denounced the BNP and its bigotry. On the other hand the Guardian has never denounced far left bigotry.

We have come a long way from Leicester City and the disabled but that phrase about Daily Mail readers was an unfair swipe at millions of people.
Getting back to the disabled there is an interesting story on the BBC website about one of Prince Harry's charities called Walking With The Wounded. Some disabled servicemen are going to walk to the North Pole unaided.
I mention this because there is a danger that people regard the disabled as victims who should feel sorry for themselves. Having seen the way some people cope with disabilities they are not so much victims as heroes.
I dislike the phrase "Daily Mail reader type" and the phrase "Guardian reader type." Both papers occasionally lapse into bigotry but are far better newspapers than their detractors allow.

Both papers include bigotry but by labelling the whole paper you ignore the serious issues both papers often raise.

As someone who often reads both papers how am I to be both a daily Mail type and a Guardian type.

It may surprise the Daily Mails detractors to know the last political extremist I read an article by in the Mail was the left wing Yasmin Alibhai Brown and that the Mail has strongly and frequently denounced the BNP and its bigotry. On the other hand the Guardian has never denounced far left bigotry.

We have come a long way from Leicester City and the disabled but that phrase about Daily Mail readers was an unfair swipe at millions of people.

My dad reads the mail and he spouts fountains of total rubbish that the paper has printed as gospel. Don't worry, it was not a swipe at that particular paper and I have to say I hold most newspapers in low esteem with the lack of news a lot of them print. Prefer the Independent myself, but I do not take everything it prints as gospel either. I think for myself.

Edited just to add that having a go at the disabled is also an unfair swipe at millions.
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The thread began with a serious issue and there were some mean spirited comments. There were however also some funny ones. I think Babylon is lumping both together which is a mistake. There is room for humour on most topics.

I think you're getting your wires crossed. If I was upset by people having a joke about disability I wouldn't have laughed at the Mexican wave joke, and I would have replied back to that one rather than bocs. My mrs and I can both share a joke about it and laugh at jokes that are aimed at a group, if something is aimed personally at someone (whether it's us or not) then i'd think it was out of order.

The only reason I replied to his was that it seemed directed at me personally (He was replying to Rhydalls post that was to me). If it was meant to be a light hearted joke then fine. I've been on here long enough to know that boc is a decent bloke, so maybe I was too quick to take offence to it.

As for ordering food at footy... I don't know who would order their girlfriend food at the footy. Certainly not me as the Mrs wouldn't go to a football game if she got 1000's of free tickets!!
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The empathy with the disabled in this thread is amazing. :icon_cry:
I just hope that none of you ever find yourself or your family in this situation.

I'm in that situation, it doesnt mean I cant look on it in a humerous way on occasions...
My dad reads the mail and he spouts fountains of total rubbish that the paper has printed as gospel. Don't worry, it was not a swipe at that particular paper and I have to say I hold most newspapers in low esteem with the lack of news a lot of them print. Prefer the Independent myself, but I do not take everything it prints as gospel either. I think for myself.

Edited just to add that having a go at the disabled is also an unfair swipe at millions.

I am not sure how anyone talks "fountains". That must be a remarkable sight. Does your dad feel that you talk rubbish with the Indy?
I sometimes think that all right wing bigots should be forced to read the Guardian or Independent and all left wing bigots should be forced to read the Daily Mail. It can be interesting to be challenged: I love Country Life magazine although it supports fox hunting which I detest.

Absolutely right about the disabled especially as disabilities vary so much. Leicester fans with their experience of the Special Olympics should know more than most what disabled people can achieve.

Could it be that sometimes some real experts like Messrs Pearson, Shakespeare and Walsh take a lighter moment to look at Talking Balls to laugh at the "fountains of rubbish" we have posted over the years.
What kind of boyfriend orders food for his girlfriend at a football ground? There are some wonderful eating places around - the Kings Lock Tea Rooms opens two weeks today. Take her somewhere nice to eat before the match, she will thank you and so will the people you push past to get the food at the match.

What a ****ing stupid thing to say!
What a ****ing stupid thing to say!

and what an unwarranted outburst. Do you really have nothing better to do than pick fault with peoples' posts? (and no, i clearly don't)

surely you could at least say something constructive, or even funny, without being outright offensive.
and what an unwarranted outburst. Do you really have nothing better to do than pick fault with peoples' posts? (and no, i clearly don't)

surely you could at least say something constructive, or even funny, without being outright offensive.

That is all it deserved, and what has it got to do with you?
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