Others have said the same thing or nearly so. What is it that makes you judge me an ignorant **** and not them?
Just because you think that the carer should get in free, it doesn't mean that everybody should think the same.
Because you seemed to be suggesting the only reason she was there was to provide me free entry. This topic has strayed from just football and you seem to begrudge anyone having a free carer to anything unless they are in a near vegetative state.
I'm pretty sure you've never lived with someone who's deaf. If you had you wouldn't be so flippant in your response. It might not be as noticeable as pushing someone around in a wheel chair, but it's needed none the less.
I've been 100's of places where I've spent almost every second helping her understand what's going on. So much so we've paid again to go in so I could actually take everything in. Without the free carer we'd of had to pay 4 times or 3 if I've gone back in on my own.
I've also been places that I had no interest in going to. If she was hearing she could have gone on her own, but she's not so I've had to go to help her. Should we have to pay twice just because people don't make provisions for the deaf?
Back to football in general. I've already said it's debatable whether free carer tickets for the deaf at football are correct, your hearing isn't needed to enjoy the game. I've never taken advantage of it and probably never will.
If you wanted to look at it from a health and safety standpoint though (which unfortunately football clubs have to do to a ridiculous level) then yes she would need someone there with her.
99.9% of the time she'd probably be fine at football and need no help at all, except ordering food or drink or letting her know when someone wants to get by. Health and safety don't look a the 99.99% though... they focus on the 0.01%.
I know what you're saying, but what you're asking for is almost impossible. And would probably cost the club more to try and implement than it does to give away a few tickets on the cheap.