How Are People Feeling Today?

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Not sure..Just shown somebody round the house and they have agreed to rent it.Good financially but its made me realise its the end of a chapter and I'll probably never live here again.All a bit sad in away.It also means I'm homeless
Heading South tonight on the Sleeper.Won't be back in the Highlands for a while but have made plans to visit at Christmas/New Year.Not looking forward to the train journey,best part of 8 hours
In a state of shock.

A fire has destroyed our student canteen, and has only just been brought under control. My lab and office are in the adjacent building which has been evacuated until further notice. :icon_sad:
I suffered the effects of shock once, there is no way I could even talk let alone use a computer.

You have my total respect.

Melts the holier than thou, I'm always right and everyone else is wrong act is starting to wear a little thin.

As you well know "A state of shock" is a turn of phrase and as Im sure you will also know there are different levels of "shock" and shock can express itself in many different ways.
Melts the holier than thou, I'm always right and everyone else is wrong act is starting to wear a little thin.

As you well know "A state of shock" is a turn of phrase and as Im sure you will also know there are different levels of "shock" and shock can express itself in many different ways.

Its not an act
Thinks: "What a wally!"
Wow, that's the nicest thing I've been called all day.

Thinks: "I'd better start using smileys, some people take themselves way too seriously and can't see past text"
"Seriously" is one of the few attributes I don't use to describe myself. Not on TB anyway.

Actually the events of the day were pretty traumatic. It happened to be Open Day so there were hundreds of schoolkids plus teachers and parents milling around as well as the usual staff and students. The fire seemed to start very suddenly but fortunately no one was hurt. The pall of black smoke was incredible and the wind direction was across on to our building, the walls of which were getting very hot.

My Ph.D students thought our building was goimg to go up as well. They asked me what would happen if the unique plants they had spent over two years developing (and on which their theses depend) were destroyed - I didn't have an answer!
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