How Are People Feeling Today?

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Enough of talking about colds( I don't want another one ta very muchly!!)

Me and my mate are making a bit of headway in regards to selling our own jewellery/handbags etc. Finding good places to buy what we need for pennies(So we can then flog them for Accessorize prices!!:icon_bigg)
Now we just need to start making it all-which is the easy bit!

Apart from that though, I've just about had enough of some folk expecting me to be summat I ain't.
It's like if you are single you are supposed to be a miserable, crabby stay-at-home-every-night-by-yourself sad case and if you aren't then you should be ashamed of yourself and your behaviour.:icon_roll

I just wish I had the pennies to be out and about more often!
Two dogs are better than one.

There again, two of most things is better than one. Unless it's people moaning about their colds. :angel:

But then I don't have headaches any longer - I have aneurysms. :077:

I dont have a cold - its FLU!! Might even be Pneumonia, either way Im on death's door :(

You coming to the game tomorrow?
I dont have a cold - its FLU!! Might even be Pneumonia, either way Im on death's door :(

You coming to the game tomorrow?

What? And risk contracting ebola from all of you sick-heads? I think not. :icon_wink

I've got a two hour walk with the dogs and a belated family Xmas dinner Pt.II to have :icon_bigg
Enough of talking about colds( I don't want another one ta very muchly!!)

Me and my mate are making a bit of headway in regards to selling our own jewellery/handbags etc. Finding good places to buy what we need for pennies(So we can then flog them for Accessorize prices!!:icon_bigg)
Now we just need to start making it all-which is the easy bit!

Apart from that though, I've just about had enough of some folk expecting me to be summat I ain't.
It's like if you are single you are supposed to be a miserable, crabby stay-at-home-every-night-by-yourself sad case and if you aren't then you should be ashamed of yourself and your behaviour.:icon_roll

I just wish I had the pennies to be out and about more often!

You need to brand yourself. :icon_wink People always feel comfortable buying from a brand.
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I don't much fancy sticking a red hot poker on me arse ta very muchly.:icon_razz

My mate knows a lot more about that sort of stuff than me(which wouldn't be hard come to think of it) so I'll let her faff around with that malarky and I'll just get on with making stuff!

Though I'm slightly worried she is adding more things to the list of what we can make to sell......I keep reminding her from May to August everything else in my life is on hold as I'll be stalking Take That around the UK and Europe!

As for the rest, I needed a bit of a rant about it all last night and poor BM got most of it via text- serves him right for asking what was up! LOL
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Under pressure. :icon_bigg
Most of these jabs involve injecting some of whatever theyre vaccinating you against into your body so they can all make you feel ill.
Im pretty sure I have Swine Flu or "normal" flu now.... Ive never been ill like this in my life. Yesterday the house could have burnt down and I couldnt have got up to save my life. :(
Im going to try and get the jab privately as soon as Im over this.

The flu jab involves an inactive virus so can't give you the virus, however your body may experience the symptoms for a few days. If you have the flu within days of getting the jab then it's just plain bad coincidence!
Sad that I didnt have the cash to get a ticket today, but cheering the guys on from home.
bloody great, stupid amount of beer last night catching up with some very old friends, chinese take out, great walk by the river for a couple of hours early this morning, work for tomorrow done, i should have a massive hang over, hasn't happened! hurray
I waited in bed for my breakfast like the John Lennon of bacon sandwiches. Unfortunately, the wife has proven herself to be the Mark Chapman of frying pan users.

Fortunately the late late family Xmas meal was magnificent and I'm now going to enjoy an Xmas pudding-induced nap on the sofa.

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I waited in bed for my breakfast like the John Lennon of bacon sandwiches. Unfortunately, the wife has proven herself to be the Mark Chapman of frying pan users.
Two things wrong here. Firstly, frying your bacon :018: disgusting. Secondly, allowing a woman to cook your food? Mental case.
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