January Transfer Window

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I very much doubt Brian Clough was the first to start the debate off, I'd imagine it has been going since football was first shown on tv in the 50's. It may even have been debated in regards to playing it on the radio before that.

And Sky Sports has an absolutely mammoth role to play in the current financial problems of many teams in the league, including Leicester's a few years back.
May I suggest that the Bosman ruling has had a bigger impact in the way money has been distributed around the football clubs.
Yes, Sky has brought a lot of money into the game, but they didn't tell the clubs how to spend it!
May I suggest that the Bosman ruling has had a bigger impact in the way money has been distributed around the football clubs.
Yes, Sky has brought a lot of money into the game, but they didn't tell the clubs how to spend it!

The Bosman Rule didn't false expand transfer fees. Secondarily, there's not many instances where the bosman even applies any more and if a player is aged below 24, then compensation is required anyways.
The Bosman Rule didn't false expand transfer fees. Secondarily, there's not many instances where the bosman even applies any more and if a player is aged below 24, then compensation is required anyways.

How many times has the compensation been the player's true worth though?

How many player's have gone on free transfers and pocketed the larger salary that would've been paid in transfer fees?

How many clubs have raised their asking prices to compensate for this?

Not the complete answer, but it certainly can't be so easily dismissed.
Sky Sports involvement is a drop in the ocean regarding footballs money problems.

I beleive Brian Clough started this debate off with an interesting interview with John Motson all those years ago.

It is perhaps my favourite ever football interview. Those too young to remember Clough in his prime will find it on You Tube under the title
"John Motson gets destroyed by Brian Clough". Just put Motson Clough in the You Tube search.
It is perhaps my favourite ever football interview. Those too young to remember Clough in his prime will find it on You Tube under the title
"John Motson gets destroyed by Brian Clough". Just put Motson Clough in the You Tube search.

Thanks for the heads up David - I especially liked the part where Cloughy talked about the getting off the referee's back. Someone should show that interview to Alex Ferguson.
Ahh, but if it had been Steve Howard going in goal for us and did the same, we'd think it was brilliant.

All depends on what side of the fence you're looking from.

You might; I wouldn't. I'd accept it but I would be very embarrassed about it.
Sometimes I think if Brian Clough would've farted, English football fans would have heralded it the greatest fart of all-time.

Clough looks as though he's been forced into a corner by the end of that interview and comes out with the "I've said all I wanted to" in a seemingly defeatist kind of way.
You've got to love how 'Load a shed more debt on to the club' becomes MM digging deep into his own pocket.

Beckham on his way then, can't see him getting a game on the right, Oakley has more than made it his own.

More bullshit form the chairman, David Beckham my arse. Let's hope he is honest when he says we won't sell out 1st team players ((although i'm sure he could spin it and say it was good ol' Nige who suggested it to fund the purchases of blah...blah...blah)).
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00