I think the point Hitchens is trying to infer is that he believes that the left hijacked the perception that the Nazi party were right wing. Fascism is both left and right and the result is no one can have an opposing opinion. He makes this assertion precisely as a result of the comments you have stated in bold, I believe he thinks that because he has walked that journey and been in both camps so to speak. Hitchens IMO has a very real fear of what the left is capable of i.e. Russia (Bolsheviks, Stalin) /China (Mao)/Cambodia (Pol Pot). Whether he is right or wrong is surely their for debate and for his article to be examined and for the consensus to fall where it may?
I agree with the poem that Ted posted they are lessons from history that if ignored we are doomed to repeat. As for championing the post that I am a troll because I disagree with your point of view is disappointing, especially from you, the fact that in 1930's Germany the opposition was cancelled makes your observation futile. I wanted to understand what you posted hence I asked the question, it provides me context and an insight to what you are thinking, as you have stated this is why people debate, it allows us to get to the truth of the matter.
The reason for my point of view ( this applies to all who read this ) and why I am against the language that has been used by Lineker, is down to the fact that I have been in some very, very unpleasant parts of this world, that, as a direct result of ideology both left and right and their use of language, has resulted in some of the most heinous crimes I have had the misfortune to witness. It has devastated people and have at times, left me questioning my own faith in us as human beings.
The fact that others have told me to **** off and that I am a **** speaks more about their character and how they show understanding (rationale thinking) and empathy towards others they do not know. All because I dare to have a different opinion?
I think I will leave this here, thank you for taking the time to respond listening to my opinion and also for not shouting or swearing at me.