Shows you how far the insanity has spread when you can use the phrase "woke institutions" while describing the OBR & the IMF, even as a joke.
Btw...I wouldn't go overboard on Rory Stewart too much. He never held high enough office to have to make top level decisions. If he did I think people would have a different take on the guy.
To me he's kind of like the Liberals/Alliance/SNP/Lib Dems used to be.
Perceived as progressive but actually not when it comes down to it. Lots of seemingly radical policy statements that grab attention, delivered safely from a position of never actually having to enact any of them.
I spent over 3 decades spouting off about this, all the while knowing that I'd never be proved right or wrong as they'd never get within a million miles of power. Then **** me, lo & behold we get a hung parliament & they promptly abandon all their supposed principals & jump into coalition with a right wing Tory govt for 5 years & let Osborne & Pig Boy deliver us a decade of austerity meaures that crippled the country at every level.
I lost count of the number of people I'd known for all or most of those years who said to me afterwards that they always thought I was a bit of a looney for saying it but now they saw I was right.
Impossible to take any pleasure from it though.
Stewart may come across as a liberal thinker but he still approaches things from the right of centre perspective that has delivered us this world by inches since the 80s. There are no answers there. The fact that he collaborates with that slug Campbell gives it away.
It allows them to present things as non partisan & co-operative but all it really does is show how little difference there is between the right of the Labour party & what would be seen as the left of the Tories.
With politics generally having moved so far to the right over those years it means that all the solutions generated are going to come from a right wing perspective. Same as before. Therefore same results in the end. Maybe a small improvement in prospects for a certain section of society but more inevitable backsliding for most. Radical situations call for radical solutions but anyone putting them forward will be utterly destroyed by the vested interests.
Business as usual. Should be the new national motto.