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I don't know if there's any point when you're like this. But essentially he started running his money out of the club, replacing his borrowing with bank finance secured against the holding company.

Hey you were confrontational and stand offish with me...

Yeah, nice rant. That seems like the 20th time I've read it tonight so I guess you've made your position clear.

Don't accuse me of being just like anything. I was just expressing an opinion not rubbishing other peoples
Nowhere does it say I wholeheartedly support Milan Mandarics bid, it does say I prefer it in PREFERENCE to any groundshare.

How do you know that once he's in MM wouldn't think groundsharing was a good idea? The two things are completely seperate. MM's bid should be considered in terms of benefit to LCFC as should any groundsharing proposals. Neither should be approached with closed minds.
How do you know that once he's in MM wouldn't think groundsharing was a good idea? The two things are completely seperate. MM's bid should be considered in terms of benefit to LCFC as should any groundsharing proposals. Neither should be approached with closed minds.

I don't know that, that is why I said I don't know if I support the Milan mandaric bid.

If he did want to share the ground I would sooner we keep going as we are. I guess I will have to wait to see what his bid actually is. I am, however, regardless of how it is presented against sharing the ground 50/50 with anyone.
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On the owning the ground 100% issue I can see the angle you are approaching it from, but for me it is more an issue of being able to use the facility as we see fit, and using its capabilities for our own development. For example, all revenue from concerts and other potential events would go to LCFC, not LCFC and the Tigers. We would therefore do better out of that.

Also you are more likely to attract better investment if the potential owner stands to own the whole of the facility, this isn't necessarily because any owner wants to exploit the asset per se, but because it just simply is more attractive to own something in its entirety. It is why the majority of people buy houses instead of flats. You want own it not share with someone else.

If you are owned by an individual then the club is open to that individual using the value of the stadium fo their own gain, ask any Brighton fan. One good thing Ken Bates did at Chelsea was to sell the pitch to the fans in lots of small sections making the sale of the stadium almost impossible unless in the clear intrest of the club.
I didn't say I am up for the idea.

But if it's done the right way it makes financial sense, and opposition to it seems to be based mostly on an irrational hatred of the egg chasers rather than any genuine reason why it's bad for the club.

And with the groundshare making financial sense it could be that any future investor (including MM) could see it as the way forward.

Exactly. I don't think people should rule out MM's plans could include the groundshare....
How f*cking salable will groundshare ever make us. Unattractive does not even begin to start describing how bad an idea Groundshare is.

We've been throught this. It isn't feasable, and no one wants it...

If all this groundshare shite had gone through the first time it was suggested we would have no one interested in us now.

It is an appauling idea and if that is what the Foxes Trust stand for then I don't want them speaking for me.

It is disgraceful if this is what they are peddling. I am utterly outraged by it.

Disgraceful foxes trust. It sounds to me like your egos have overpowered your common sense!:mad: :mad: :mad:

If this ever EVER happens I will not go back to that stadium.

The e-mail was sent to members to gain their views on this possibility in case it is included in one of the bids. Whether we are in favour or not depends entirely on the members feedback, hence why we consulted them.

That is what having a democratic fans organisation is all about
I'm off to bed.

Apologies if anyone felt offended by my opinions. I simply want for the club to one day own its own ground steeped in its own colours where I can one day take my kids and they can be as proud of the place as I was when I first set foot in Filbertstreet.

It is important to have a home, and I would not feel right sitting in a ground that is stripped down to accomodate a team I don't support and don't feel any emotional attachment too. I have spoken with Tim Davies and yes the issues were trivial but to me important. The seats would most likely not all be blue and we would have to rebrand to accomodate.

Anything we ever made on none football or Rugby events would be shared between the two companies, and every time we so much as wanted to fart in the stadium we would have to agree it first with our partners.

It would not be right and it would not be home.

I have nothing against the Tigers, they can play on our ground. But as I said before and I reiterate now, I do not want them to own one blade of our grass, it is ours. Sell it and we sell off ourselves. We might have to put up with rubbish for a long time, but if we persist we would own our ground one day.

If it was sold you might not regret it now, but I guarantee that you will one day, and by then it will be too late.

Night all. My apologies to the easily offended. Sorry if I burst your Rugby ball...erm I mean ballon.

Ta ta.
The board have the final decision, the FT are only a small cog in a big wheel. It doesn't matter how many members you have.

I look forward to the day this is resolved.
Apologies if anyone felt offended by my opinions. I simply want for the club to one day own its own ground steeped in its own colours where I can one day take my kids and they can be as proud of the place as I was when I first set foot in Filbertstreet.

It is important to have a home, and I would not feel right sitting in a ground that is stripped down to accomodate a team I don't support and don't feel any emotional attachment too. I have spoken with Tim Davies and yes the issues were trivial but to me important. The seats would most likely not all be blue and we would have to rebrand to accomodate.

We had red and orange seats at Filbert Street :icon_roll
We had red and orange seats at Filbert Street :icon_roll

I know that, but we had them because we wanted them, not to accomodate anyone. They were our seats.

You can be a dick sometimes:icon_wink :icon_lol:

No they don't, the shareholders do.

Yes the board may choose to recommend an offer, recommend to reject an offer or put forward say a couple of offers with no recommendations.

Whatever, it's the 47 shareholders who decide, with their votes proportional to their shareholding, so we get around a 2.5% say in the outcome. How significant that is depends on how close things are.
No, they are the voice of those who could be bothered to join the Trust. If you are equally bothered, then join the Trust and influence the way they think. Simple, really... :icon_roll

why...... they are a very small minority of the city following, most of what they say is bollux and the rest made up because they dont really know what is going on in the club, and they really think they have any sort of control over this takeover bid....?????? Feck em
So just ignore them then, BG!!! You spend half of your life ranting about something that, to you, is an irrelevance. What a waste of time... :icon_roll
So just ignore them then, BG!!! You spend half of your life ranting about something that, to you, is an irrelevance. What a waste of time... :icon_roll

I do ignore them... what I do object to is the stuff they post is what is common knowledge anyway they NEVER post anything we dont already know
I have one question, what has changed in the last 2 years that has suddenly allowed Groundshare to become an option again.

It seemed to me that two years ago a number of key conditions could not be agreed and so the whole idea was shelved. The main one was principle tenancy.

Now my concerns, would be that if a takeover was successful and say for instance that it was Bardon Aggregates and / or Peter Tom, whom have strong links with the Tigers, who were the new owner/s then what would the basis and implications of such a Groundshare be.

When the initial discussions and negotiations took place LCFC were in a strong position, whilst we desperately needed investment, we held the aces as we had the stadium, so when the Tigers' proposal was deemed not in the best interests of the club they were able to decline.

However should the club be taken over by a party with strong ties to the Tigers then in reality the club loses it's position of strength and negotiations can be conducted and influenced with far more bias given to the Rugby club. My fear is should this scenario arise we could well lose our stadium and identity and become nothing more than a franchise of the Leicester Tigers Rugby Club.

I am surprised that the FT has sought opinion on potential Groundshare opportunites without providing details of any potential benefits and / or implications, how can people provide an honest and informed decision.
Tigers buy LCFC under the guise of Bardon Aggregates, move in to our stadium and start playing on Saturday afternoons or Mandaric buys the club and pumps some cash in, I know what I am favouring.

Would probably give up my season ticket if we became Tigers bit on the side. Awful thought.
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