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Sorry, Duzza, I got the e-mail, and I took it for what it was - asking members for their views ( and not just on a possible groundshare ). I replied and thought no more about it. I now realise I have unwittingly been in league with the devil incarnate and must seek absolution from some source or another.;)

Much of the money that gives them their present position was put into buckets by people who are not and never were members of the FT. People donating in such a way did it because they thought it was the only way that they could help their club get out of administration.

The money was donated for the sake of Leicester City - and not in support of the FT. The FT have used that money for their own glorification.

Bang on that! The money I put in would have bought me many a years membership.
All of you who favour the groundshare should ask yourselves which way its best obtain it.

By having the Tigers pay for half the market value of the stadium and enetering in to co-ownership?


Having the Tigers investors buy the club for a fraction of the worth of the stadium and then split the debt with us?

I wonder why the first option never happened?
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It's funny how two years ago there were only two or three of US on here who opposed the groundshare (and I always will be, on a point of principle).

The FT even canvassed their members about it (without anyone screaming traitor at them)

Now it seems that everyone is opposed to it

Could someone explain to me what has changed ?:102:

I always was against it, still am & always will be.
For no greater reason than I don't like tigers, the crappest cats going IMO. If they'd called themselves Leicester Cougars or Pumas maybe, then perhaps I'd be more in favour but tigers are just shit FACT.
Who could be the voice of the fans anyway! See all the different opinions posted on this topic, for instance. The are the voice of their members, if the members don't like what they are saying, the can vote them off the FT board.

What about everybody who put money into the FT coffers, in the mistaken belief that they were simply making a donation to a football club in trouble, having a vote on the antics of the FT?
It's funny how two years ago there were only two or three of US on here who opposed the groundshare (and I always will be, on a point of principle).

The FT even canvassed their members about it (without anyone screaming traitor at them)

Now it seems that everyone is opposed to it

Could someone explain to me what has changed ?:102:

Your memory is failing you, when it was first suggested a couple of years ago more people here were against it than for it -

Yes, it seemed qiute pertinant to ask members questions bearing in mind all that has been going on in the last two weeks. IMO they would have been failing in their duties to the membership if they didn't ask questions of the membership.
What about everybody who put money into the FT coffers, in the mistaken belief that they were simply making a donation to a football club in trouble, having a vote on the antics of the FT?

You can't.;) When I shoved my £50 in the bucket, I knew it was going to a co-operative of fans - I didn't write my name on the notes to ensure a vote at a future stage - it was a donation.
Much of the money that gives them their present position was put into buckets by people who are not and never were members of the FT. People donating in such a way did it because they thought it was the only way that they could help their club get out of administration.

The money was donated for the sake of Leicester City - and not in support of the FT. The FT have used that money for their own glorification.

What 'glorification' are you referring to?

I personally put over £500 of my own money into the FT at the time of administration, I knew exactly what would happen to it, there was a lot of publicity at the time telling people what a supporters trust is and what it does, maybe you should have paid attention before throwing money into a bucket.
Some interesting stuff 'coming out'. Barber says the bid is just 3m. He also says that the FT have sent around an email asking if fans they'd mind a return to the groundshare idea.

Barber inplied that the FT had told him the bid was £3M, having asked him who gave him this information, he refuses to quote his source. If I ever find out it was the FT who gave that information I shall resign from the FT and advise everyone else to do the same. The FT have constantly been stirring it to the extent that I think thye have a hidden agenda.
Barber inplied that the FT had told him the bid was £3M, having asked him who gave him this information, he refuses to quote his source. If I ever find out it was the FT who gave that information I shall resign from the FT and advise everyone else to do the same. The FT have constantly been stirring it to the extent that I think thye have a hidden agenda.

Thats also my impression, they continue to come out and say just enough to discredit the only known bid without actually saying anything of substance.
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