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I wouldn't say it is actually, it's really improved over the last couple of years and certainly fares well compared to many English cities.

Well that probably says more about the state of most English cities.
Most of the people that I know in Leicester are desperate to get out of there and whenever I visit it seems to look drabber, dirtier and greyer than the last time.

It's all about opinions though.
Well that probably says more about the state of most English cities.
Most of the people that I know in Leicester are desperate to get out of there and whenever I visit it seems to look drabber, dirtier and greyer than the last time.

It's all about opinions though.

Then FFS you need to get friends outside of Sappleton and Hayes :icon_bigg
Well that probably says more about the state of most English cities.
Most of the people that I know in Leicester are desperate to get out of there and whenever I visit it seems to look drabber, dirtier and greyer than the last time.

It's all about opinions though.

The last time I came to Leicester it was filthy and there were gangs of youths hanging around on all the streets corners in the City Centre,all very intimidating.Saying that its no worse than 90% of other cities.Inverness is the bect city I have visited..if it is a city:102:
The last time I came to Leicester it was filthy and there were gangs of youths hanging around on all the streets corners in the City Centre,all very intimidating.Saying that its no worse than 90% of other cities.Inverness is the bect city I have visited..if it is a city:102:

Lived in various parts of the city for 3 years and never saw gangs of youths on all the street corners or felt intimidated, I was also out very late at night often walking alone to and from mates houses/library etc and was NEVER a victim of any type of crime.

But that is just my experience, you may have been a victim of crime in Leicester many times and obviously feel differently.
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Lived in various parts of the city for 3 years and never saw gangs of youths on all the street corners or felt intimidated, I was also out very late at night often walking alone to and from mates houses/library etc and was NEVER a victim of any type of crime.

But that is just my experience, you may have been a victim of crime in Leicester many times and obviously feel differently.

I don't go into Leicester very often, and did so even less after getting attacked after a game a few years ago.

Having said that, recently I've had to start going into Leicester more often, and havn't felt particularly threatened or on edge... although there havn't been many people around (as it's always been the middle of the day). When I was there a couple of weeks ago though there was a group of teenagers riding around on their bikes intimidating people, but you'd get it anywhere.

My impression is that I wouldn't want to live in Leicester, but there are worse places and it's probably no different to any other city (probably better than some)
Lived in various parts of the city for 3 years and never saw gangs of youths on all the street corners or felt intimidated, I was also out very late at night often walking alone to and from mates houses/library etc and was NEVER a victim of any type of crime.

But that is just my experience, you may have been a victim of crime in Leicester many times and obviously feel diferently.

If you have lived in the same place for so long you probably don't notice it,its only an 'outsider' that maybe notices these things.Never been a victim of any crime but it still felt intimidating and the person I was with at the time who had never been to the Leicester remarked on it.You are bound to stand up for your hometown and where you live though so fair dues.Anyway you are probably the type who I'd find intimidating...
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Leicester is no worse than anywhere else. A bit duller perhaps, but that's not the biggest crime.

In my experience, every provincial town centre has that underlying air of tension, which turns into drunken rowdiness of a Friday or Saturday night.

Oddly enough, due to it's size, London kind of escapes that, for all of it's faults.
Leicester is no worse than anywhere else. A bit duller perhaps, but that's not the biggest crime.

In my experience, every provincial town centre has that underlying air of tension, which turns into drunken rowdiness of a Friday or Saturday night.

Oddly enough, due to it's size, London kind of escapes that, for all of it's faults.

Well I certanly felt it last time I was walking past the fridge late at night.
Ah, the Fridge, I used to love Escape from Samsara @ The Fridge. The good old days before Brixton got a little boring.

i used to go that :)

and i make no apologies for staying off topic, this thread has always been pants
I've seen some top reggae at the Fridge. I used to leave my car parked on the street just round the corner and never had a bit of bother.

Leave it in a quiet side street in Aylestone, however...
It was wicked - one of the friendliest clubs ever, a proper little festival every Friday night. God knows how many brain cells I damaged in there.

I remember walking past there at about 2am the millennium morning. Never been offered so many drugs in such a short space of time in my entire life.
I've seen some top reggae at the Fridge. I used to leave my car parked on the street just round the corner and never had a bit of bother.

Leave it in a quiet side street in Aylestone, however...

Where abouts in Aylestone? Never had any problems my self.
Car broken into once outside my brother's house just off Saffron Lane (New Park Road - also burgled twice in the year I lived there), once outside my house on Florence Street (off Duncan Road - burgled once in two years) and once while the sweet baby Jesus was apparently looking the other way outside a feckin' church on Aylestone Road.

Other than that, I like the place!
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