Oi, You!!!!!!

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Melton Fox

Dancing Queen
Caravaners.....................**** OFF :098::098:

I hope the last 24 hours of my life will soon be a distant memory.

Just remember, while you are sat there on the motorways playing happy families, I can't.!!!, You ****s are stopping me getting home. It's your ****ing fault the whole road system has grinded to a ****ing halt, yet I'm the one that suffers whilst you sit there on your big adventure playing I ****ing Spy. Well here's one for you; I spy with my little eye, something beginning with a big fat ****ing C.:098:

If I explain in exact detail how you make me feel, I'm sure you'd understand my request for you all to die is more than justified.

Caravaners = people to tight to pay for a ****ing hotel or b & b ! I share your sentiments Melt. Who in the right mind is going to the ****ing seaside in March with the weather that's been forcast ?
Caravaners.....................**** OFF :098::098:

I hope the last 24 hours of my life will soon be a distant memory.

Just remember, while you are sat there on the motorways playing happy families, I can't.!!!, You ****s are stopping me getting home. It's your ****ing fault the whole road system has grinded to a ****ing halt, yet I'm the one that suffers whilst you sit there on your big adventure playing I ****ing Spy. Well here's one for you; I spy with my little eye, something beginning with a big fat ****ing C.:098:

If I explain in exact detail how you make me feel, I'm sure you'd understand my request for you all to die is more than justified.


Are we to take it all is not tickerty boo Melton ?
Are we to take it all is not tickerty boo Melton ?
Last night I had work to do, the ****s wouldn't let me do it. Took me nigh on three hours to do a 30 minute journey around the M25.

Today I have had work to do, out of the goodness of my heart I donned my rags and lowered myself to delivery driver level to help my drivers out of another ****ing hole they've dug themselves into avoiding them having to work the weekend.

Again these inconsiderate ****s with caravans, tow bars, roof racks, bicycle, boats et al stop me performing my job at the desired efficiency, and worst of all they prevent me getting back to my children and enjoying my life while they sit on some concrete surrounded by fumes enjoying theirs.

If it's any consolation, I share your feelings towards caravaners. I was wondering this morning, whilst some reporter on the news was going on about how bad the roads are at the minute, how many accidents are going to be caused by these idiots.
If it's any consolation, I share your feelings towards caravaners. I was wondering this morning, whilst some reporter on the news was going on about how bad the roads are at the minute, how many accidents are going to be caused by these idiots.

Probably as many as are caused by wankers driving too fast or overtaking when they shouldn't be.:102:
Don't! Some silly twat in a Fiesta on Tudor Rd nearly went head on into me this morning. He was doing silly fecking speed on a road with cars parked either side.

Why people are always in so much of a rush is beyond me,exactly how fast do they want to go ? I've seen and read about countless people losing their lives and what for ? because someone had to go faster than was safe to do so
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Why people are always in so much of a rush is beyond me,exactly how fast do they want to go ? I've seen and read about countless people losing their lives and what for ? because someone had to go faster than was safe to do so

I am a fairly new driver. I can't believe the number of cnuts on the road. I could be doing 29.5mph on a 30 mph but the **** still behind me feels the need to overtake. Wankers - it's way I have started to look at going away games on the train or if not someone else driving.
Why people are always in so much of a rush is beyond me,exactly how fast do they want to go ? I've seen and read about countless people losing their lives and what for ? because someone had to go faster than was safe to do so
National speed limits are set for a reason, and that is because it is considered safe to drive at them speeds.

If I can't drive at them speeds because some doddery old **** in a tweed jacket with arm patches a pipe and a Volvo has written his own set of rules that dictate that I drive significantly slower, then I will have something to say about it.

Some things in life are important, and seeing my children is one of them. I want to get there as safe and fast as possible without breaking the laws. If this **** in front of me wasn't there, I wouldn't need to break the speed limit in order to get past him. One look in super extended mirrors will tell him he's going too ****ing slow.

So, it's him going too slow that's the problem, not me going too fast.
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Overtake him then when it's safe to do so:102:
**** me!!!, pure ****ing genius :icon_roll.

Very, very rarely can you ever overtake a caravan safely without breaking the speed limit. It's much better to break the speed limit for a few seconds and get back in as quickly and as safely as possible than to stop at 60mph and pootle past for 20 seconds risking oncoming traffic.
Fine, so wait until you're an experienced driver with real experiences before you start judging those with twenty years on you FFS.

He's judging them because they want to break the law and go over the speed limit there by endangering people's lives
Don't! Some silly twat in a Fiesta on Tudor Rd nearly went head on into me this morning. He was doing silly fecking speed on a road with cars parked either side.

I was driving down Tudor Rd this morning, when some lunatic..............:icon_bigg
**** me!!!, pure ****ing genius :icon_roll.

Very, very rarely can you ever overtake a caravan safely without breaking the speed limit. It's much better to break the speed limit for a few seconds and get back in as quickly and as safely as possible than to stop at 60mph and pootle past for 20 seconds risking oncoming traffic.

So you condone breaking the law?
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So you condone breaking the law?
If it's the difference between being safe, or hanging on the wrong side of the road for longer than need be, then yes.

I wish I was a ****ing saint, H and a pompous self righteous prick, but unfortunately I aint, I live in the real world.
If it's the difference between being safe, or hanging on the wrong side of the road for longer than need be, then yes.

I wish I was a ****ing saint, H and a pompous self righteous prick, but unfortunately I aint, I live in the real world.

Got me spot on there:)
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