Paul Ince

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Nothing at all actually Boccywoccydooda....

You know stuff Boc, I know you do. In the words of 'Withnail and I' - "spill your beans"

Can't find that phrase anywhere in Withnail and I Alex. Where is it mentioned?
He's so eager to find out that he asked it twice. Do you not have any work to do Joe?
I may be ultra cynical, but do you honestly think that getting Ince as manager was ever on the cards? I suspect it to be a sop to prove that we have tried to get a top manager when an inadequate replacement for Holloway is appointed. What next, an approach to Arsenal to talk to Wenger?
I may be ultra cynical, but do you honestly think that getting Ince as manager was ever on the cards? I suspect it to be a sop to prove that we have tried to get a top manager when an inadequate replacement for Holloway is appointed. What next, an approach to Arsenal to talk to Wenger?

That might have been the case if we had announced that we had made an approach for Ince, but it was Willie Winkle who announced it whereas we have kept schtum.
He's so eager to find out that he asked it twice. Do you not have any work to do Joe?

Well inbetween doing a bit of research into where I recognise a big brother twat from and my normal Friday work ethic, I got a bit bored.

(and I've asked three times now)
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Either that or he's lost the will to live answering wankpiece questions......

Funny how you are so familiar with the term 'wankpiece' isn't it.
Well inbetween doing a bit of research into where I recognise a big brother twat from and my normal Friday work ethic, I got a bit bored.

(and I've asked three times now)

Well you've been doing a bit of research to find out where a phrase is in a film, you're just as bad if not worse!
Well, you've been on here for a long time now

Hmm, that's a rather homoerotic thing to print Homer. Do you mean that you think of wankpieces when you read my posts? You truly are a bizarre old thing.
Well you've been doing a bit of research to find out where a phrase is in a film, you're just as bad if not worse!

No. Researching anything to do with Big Brother is IMO incredibly lame.

Researching one of your favourite films on the other hand is fairly normal behaviour.
Yes they would now for he but ,it takes a 120 hour to get yor level3 UEFA A and 160 to get the level 3 EFA B each one takes a year to complete so IMO he would have to be A/M for a start u8ntill he got the badges needed.

Well at least that's cleared that one up........:icon_conf
The real problem for MM in appointing Grayson is that he worries that he will be too popular with the fans - and perhaps powerful enough to usurp his own authority.

I can't imagine any of that is remotely likely.

1. Why would Grayson be so popular?- he was a sort of ok right back - but no better than ordinary - he's done a fair old job at Blackpool but nothing extraordinary.

2. Based on his media appearances - he seems reasonble enough, but he no charisma and in fact not a lot of personality at all.

I wouldn't argue that he might be the best that we can do at the moment but I suspect that to build him up into being anything special will not be in anyone's particular interests - least of all Grayson's.
I can't imagine any of that is remotely likely.

1. Why would Grayson be so popular?- he was a sort of ok right back - but no better than ordinary - he's done a fair old job at Blackpool but nothing extraordinary.

2. Based on his media appearances - he seems reasonble enough, but he no charisma and in fact not a lot of personality at all.

I wouldn't argue that he might be the best that we can do at the moment but I suspect that to build him up into being anything special will not be in anyone's particular interests - least of all Grayson's.

I was suggesting what might be in Mandaric's mind - not that it bears any relation to reality.
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