Paul Ince

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Looks like Mr Winkelman is already licking his lips at the compo package ...... Maybe Ince will be told he must leave :038:
Looks like Mr Winkelman is already licking his lips at the compo package ...... Maybe Ince will be told he must leave :038:

He's not exactly sounding like he wants him to stay is he!! ha. I can sense the phrase "a good deal for both of us" being used quite soon.
Fair play to MM though, trying his best to get a decent manager rather than just plumping with the obvious choice of Grayson.
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'Cos he's the Guv-nor of course - eye eye!!!
What makes you think Ince is a better manager than Grayson?
Ince's first two seasons as a manager were similar to Grayson's, except Grayson did it at a higher level.

Grayson hasn't won the JPT, fact. :icon_wink
What makes you think Ince is a better manager than Grayson?
Ince's first two seasons as a manager were similar to Grayson's, except Grayson did it at a higher level.

I think it is reasonable to say that he is a bigger personality and possible has more potential as a manager.

I would also suggest that given his past and connections, that with some financial backing he could probably attract some decent players that Grayson not be able to entice.
Not sure if it's been posted, couldn't see it anywhere ...

From The Mercury.

Leicester City chairman Milan Mandaric today said he was hopeful of hearing in the next 24 hours from MK Dons over his approach for Paul Ince.

The City chairman is currently whittling down around 25 applications for the City vacancy to a manageable short-list.

Still trying to sort out the short-list - yet an official approach has already been made??!!??

The Mercury have surely got this wrong - if not, we have more to worry about than I realised. The inefficiency of the process leaves me astounded.
I think it is reasonable to say that he is a bigger personality and possible has more potential as a manager.

I would also suggest that given his past and connections, that with some financial backing he could probably attract some decent players that Grayson not be able to entice.

I would agree with that. But that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a better manager. Lots of big name players have turned out to be crap managers.

Ince was my first choice a year ago, and he still is, but I think Grayson would also be a good option because he has done exceptionally well considering the resources he has had, and I don't understand why people can't see this and would rather have someone like Gregory :icon_conf
I think it is reasonable to say that he is a bigger personality and possible has more potential as a manager.

I would also suggest that given his past and connections, that with some financial backing he could probably attract some decent players that Grayson not be able to entice.

Well we're fecked there then .. Paul Aldridge has already stated there will be no money or new signings!
I do hope that this comes to pass- It's well known on this forum by now that I've had enough of Mandaric, but if he can pull Ince out of this wreckage than I will grudgingly afford him a lot of respect.

So long as he doesn't fire him three months later...
from FT... "just seen on SSN that a reporter at blackburn has found out that blackburn contacted winkelman about the speculation and basically said he is not one of their candidates (they are allardyce, henning berg, shearer and mclaren). he also mentioned that he confirmed leicester had made a substantial offer for ince that would be the biggest in league 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


So we have made an offer for a bloke who hasn't yet been interviewed and before we have even been told that we can talk to him?

Believe me - that is not the way things happen.
No he didn't! He said there would be no signing until we got a new manager

Ive read the below several times, and I cannot see where your coming from Beights :icon_conf

No funds for incoming Foxes boss

Leicester City chief executive Paul Aldridge says the club's new manager will not be able to add to his squad.

The Foxes were relegated to League One last season and Aldridge says Ian Holloway's replacement will not have funds to freshen things up. "There certainly won't be any players coming in, that's for sure," Aldridge told BBC Radio Leicester. "As for players going out, clearly we would have to consider any offer that was made and respond accordingly." Aldridge added: "But we haven't got anything to consider at the moment so it's not something we have to worry about."
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