People That Piss You Off

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in other words a twat, who is paid too much and who no one likes :icon_lol:

From macky's earlier comment i believe he would be one of the above ;) a senior work colleague that is
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The twat what decided in public in Leics City Centre to take the piss out of my weight.

Eating a sarnie at Town Hall Square, where a chap with 2 homies says 'You enjoying that you fat bastard'.
The twat what decided in public in Leics City Centre to take the piss out of my weight.

Eating a sarnie at Town Hall Square, where a chap with 2 homies says 'You enjoying that you fat bastard'.

From macky's earlier comment i believe he would be one of the above ;) a senior work colleague that is

He is in me ****, definitely not senior to me that is.

He's just a whiney, humourless wankstain bastard, who gets on my tits.

But apart from that I'm having a great day.
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The twat what decided in public in Leics City Centre to take the piss out of my weight.

Eating a sarnie at Town Hall Square, where a chap with 2 homies says 'You enjoying that you fat bastard'.

So, were you enjoying it?
He is in me ****, definitely not senior to me that is.

He's just a whiney, humourless wankstain bastard, who gets on my tits.

But apart from that I'm having a great day.

do they allow that sort of thing where you work then?
The twat what decided in public in Leics City Centre to take the piss out of my weight.

Eating a sarnie at Town Hall Square, where a chap with 2 homies says 'You enjoying that you fat bastard'.

So how much food were you eating you greedy fat bastard...?
Just as annoying as the ones who will ask me today "who have City got tomorrow? Home or away?" If I had a pound for everytime I was asked, I wouldn't need to be in work any more, which is even more annoying.

you get asked more an hour than you get paid, that is ****ing annoying. do you work with amnesia sufferers?
Just as annoying as the ones who will ask me today "who have City got tomorrow? Home or away?" If I had a pound for everytime I was asked, I wouldn't need to be in work any more, which is even more annoying.

Three feckers have now asked me this today

Just piss off
Just as annoying as the ones who will ask me today "who have City got tomorrow? Home or away?" If I had a pound for everytime I was asked, I wouldn't need to be in work any more, which is even more annoying.

agreed... Piss off twats! all they are bothered about is so they dont get caught in the traffic when they are going to the garden centre... losers
the thing is you offer them a solution they dont to want to know as they just to feckin whinge all the time

Too ****in true, I'm seriously not in the humour for him today after some shitehawks kicked the wing mirror of me car last night, wankers! :icon_evil
Completely ****en destroyed it, the ****s.
I hope they die a long, drawn out, agonising death being fed on their own shit.
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