People That Piss You Off

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Outlaws had a tyre slashed. £180.

Just heard that kids walked along the top of cars in the next street, jumping from one to another. At least seven cars damaged.
We didn't have anybody ring the bell - but had the window knocked on several times; people opposite have had their windox-box pulled down and smashed; several houses and shop windows have had raw eggs thrown at them.

Outlaws had a tyre slashed. £180.

Just heard that kids walked along the top of cars in the next street, jumping from one to another. At least seven cars damaged.

But none of any of that has anything whatsoever to do with Halloween or trick or treating. That's just kids behaving like ****ish savages.

Trick or treating is just kids dressing up, having fun and collecting sweets, fruits and nuts. That's it. Nothing more or less.

And their parents would just say they were having fun.

Well, then their parents are ****s as well then. It's easy to see where they learnt their behaviour.
But none of any of that has anything whatsoever to do with Halloween or trick or treating. That's just kids behaving like ****ish savages.

But all being done in the name of Halloween.
But all being done in the name of Halloween.

Is it? What label do they use for the rest of the year then or are they usually very well behaved kids who get possessed by evil spirits at Halloween?
Is it? What label do they use for the rest of the year then or are they usually very well behaved kids who get possessed by evil spirits at Halloween?

The latter may be correct. The amount of wanton vandalism last evening more than matches what has happened in the past year.

It seems to me that as the number of fireworks being let off in the street has been brought under control (at least in this area) so there has been an increase in the 'aggressiveness' of Halloween. Perhaps it's just something that people need to do at this time of the year. The pity of it is that the kind of 'trick and treat' Halloween that you talk about, with sweets and fruit and nuts, is inhibited by this 'give us your money or we'll wreck your property' type that has taken its place in some parts.
The pity of it is that the kind of 'trick and treat' Halloween that you talk about, with sweets and fruit and nuts, is inhibited by this 'give us your money or we'll wreck your property' type that has taken its place in some parts.

That is an awful shame, but that is just thugs using Halloween as an excuse for thuggery, nothing at all to do with Halloween per se.

I'd guess, it's because you don't have the tradition of celebrating your end of summer festival on Halloween, you have Guy Fawkes night and other harvest festivals
Sad twattish wassocks who hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen to send PMs on facebook that are abusive and laughably threatening.

I only opened the PM cos it was headed 'Talking Balls' as I assumed it was someone from here.

Soon got binned when I realised what it was about! You'd think after 2,3 4 years(however long it is) some folk would just let the past go and get on with their own lives instead of getting minions to try and cause bother in rehashing stuff.

I mean really..... how pathetic.
Sad twattish wassocks who hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen to send PMs on facebook that are abusive and laughably threatening.

I only opened the PM cos it was headed 'Talking Balls' as I assumed it was someone from here.

Soon got binned when I realised what it was about! You'd think after 2,3 4 years(however long it is) some folk would just let the past go and get on with their own lives instead of getting minions to try and cause bother in rehashing stuff.

I mean really..... how pathetic.

It all sounds like good gossip but I need names names names!
I don't think you need me to tell you the name in particular!!
I'm sure the PM itself was from some snotty nosed cyber warrior trying to gain some brownie points in this clique.

But honestly, threatening to have me sorted out cos I used used TB to spread lies about someone not paying for tickets!:081::081:

Which isn't quite true as the ticket in this instance wasn't even bought as the money wasn't stumped up for it in the first place!

Apparently I deserve to be punched......would like to see the person saying that try!!

Best laugh I've had so far this week!:081:

Only concerning thing is whoever it is knows where I live.... I don't know what's more ann.oying That they've taken the time to find this out or that they've wasted 5 minutes of my life reading the crap!
I don't think you need me to tell you the name in particular!!
I'm sure the PM itself was from some snotty nosed cyber warrior trying to gain some brownie points in this clique.

But honestly, threatening to have me sorted out cos I used used TB to spread lies about someone not paying for tickets!:081::081:

Which isn't quite true as the ticket in this instance wasn't even bought as the money wasn't stumped up for it in the first place!

Apparently I deserve to be punched......would like to see the person saying that try!!

Best laugh I've had so far this week!:081:

Only concerning thing is whoever it is knows where I live.... I don't know what's more ann.oying That they've taken the time to find this out or that they've wasted 5 minutes of my life reading the crap!

How pathetic are some people - those stirring it and those sending pathetic messages :icon_conf
Ah well ,the way I sees it, they are leaving some other poor unfortunate alone if I occupy their thoughts as much as they witter on about me!

You'd think it was a primary school playground wouldn't ya!
Years pass and still I'm relevant to their lives whereas they are a mere speck of shit in mine!

I'll be wary from now on though, don't want to get punched in the kneecaps, sorry I meant face!:081::081::081:
People who chair a meeting or training who tell you at the start where the 'comfort station' is. FFS why not just say toilet, lavatory, bog, shitter. Christ almighty, are there really people out there who are so sensitive and delicate that they can't use or hear the proper words.
This really annoyed me at a meeting today.
People who chair a meeting or training who tell you at the start where the 'comfort station' is. FFS why not just say toilet, lavatory, bog, shitter. Christ almighty, are there really people out there who are so sensitive and delicate that they can't use or hear the proper words.
This really annoyed me at a meeting today.
I would have thrown something at the offender. This also applies to anyone who says any of the following non-words or phrases:

green shoots
outside the box
That also goes for
Elephant in the room.
Key performance indicators
Proactive not reactive
Success comes in cans not can nots
Customer is King
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