People That Piss You Off

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If I had a "friend" and took him everywhere with me and it was uncovered by the media - I'd like to think I'd do the decent thing rather than bluff, bluster and cover my arse.

I'd like to think I have a smidgen more respect for myself and those who pay my money than this Tory scummer. There again, it's hardly surprising that a politician's snout needs prising from the trough.

Politicians are wankers and Tories are the used pile of jizz tissues which tumbled from the top of the bin.

Tony Blair lies about WMD in Iraq and commits thousands of British troops costing lives and billions of taxpayer pounds.
Gordon Brown sells 400 tons of gold at approx $275 an ounce (currently $1650 an ounce) and deregulates the banks enabling them to loan billions in bad debts costing jobs and contributing to global financial crisis.

Tory minister has friend.
Tony Blair lies about WMD in Iraq and commits thousands of British troops costing lives and billions of taxpayer pounds.
Gordon Brown sells 400 tons of gold at approx $275 an ounce (currently $1650 an ounce) and deregulates the banks enabling them to loan billions in bad debts costing jobs and contributing to global financial crisis.

Tory minister has friend.

Brown was only trying to match the Tories loses on 'black wednesday', he didn't even do a good job of that.
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Brown was only trying to match the Tories loses on 'black wednesday', he didn't even do a good job of that.
Your maths is out. The treasury reported in 2005 under the freedom of information that Black Wednesday cost approx £3.3 billion.

By today's market value, 400 tons (or 12.8m ounces) would be worth just over $21bn (around £13.5bn).
Gordon sold for just over $3.5bn (just over £2.25bn).

A staggering loss of over £11bn of the nation's reserves.
Your maths is out. The treasury reported in 2005 under the freedom of information that Black Wednesday cost approx £3.3 billion.

By today's market value, 400 tons (or 12.8m ounces) would be worth just over $21bn (around £13.5bn).
Gordon sold for just over $3.5bn (just over £2.25bn).

A staggering loss of over £11bn of the nation's reserves.

I use the prices at the time as yardstick rather than extrapolating to some future point since there is no way to extrapolate what the loses from 'black wednesday' would have cost us today, I'm expect far more than £3.3 billion in lost national wealth, but they are all shit.
I use the prices at the time as yardstick rather than extrapolating to some future point since there is no way to extrapolate what the loses from 'black wednesday' would have cost us today, I'm expect far more than £3.3 billion in lost national wealth, but they are all shit.
Indeed. However, the underlying reason for the losses on Black Wednesday were economically driven (continued ERM membership) rather than political survival. Brown sold the gold against advice to sure up his continued spending spree and ensure he became PM. A failed Chancellor would not have been in such a position.

In fairness to Brown, at least he learnt from that not to join the Euro. Shame he ignored the effects of negative equity (too much debt in the mortgage market) when the Tories guided us through that the first time around.
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Tony Blair lies about WMD in Iraq and commits thousands of British troops costing lives and billions of taxpayer pounds.
Gordon Brown sells 400 tons of gold at approx $275 an ounce (currently $1650 an ounce) and deregulates the banks enabling them to loan billions in bad debts costing jobs and contributing to global financial crisis.

Tory minister has friend.

Did you miss this bit:

Politicians are wankers

By today's market value....

Why choose today's value? If we are going to use the price of a commodity which always accrues value during times of recession or stagnant housing markets why not wait for a week or so, or a year...or when this pisspoor excuse for a government stands for re-election? I'm sure we can get some stunning values then.

His error was not predicting a recession or rather the potential severity of it, and thereby miscalculating the potential value of gold. Let's look at things the Tories sold off and how well that went?

As I say, they are all a bunch of ****s - there is just something slightly more odious, smug and loathsome about a Tory.
Did you miss this bit:.
No. When Biffa said "They are all shit" I replied "Indeed". It's a sort of agreement.

Why choose today's value? ........His error was not predicting a recession or rather the potential severity of it, and thereby miscalculating the potential value of gold. .

I choose today's value because we're in the middle of economic chaos. The whole reason for holding gold is that during these periods investors jump on the gold bandwagon and it becomes a global currency. Holding it in reserve means that you don't have to predict problems, you know you have the means to deal with them should the need arise (bit like having Steve Howard on the bench;)).
And you certainly don't sell at the bottom of the market. Look at the 30 year chart. The dip coincides exactly with when he sold it. Markets dropped 10% in advance of the sale ffs with traders short selling it.

Let's look at things the Tories sold off and how well that went.
You mean the bloated labour nationalised companies like BT, BG, BA and BR. Companies who were ridiculously overstaffed at taxpayers expense, and whose staff would also be on the state final salary pension gravy boat if they hadn't been privatised?

As I say, they are all a bunch of ***** - there is just something slightly more odious, smug and loathsome about a Tory.
Indeed. I would just like to keep a perspective on the Liam Fox bollocks.
As I say, they are all a bunch of ****s
there is just something slightly more odious, smug and loathsome about a Tory.
Oh, I strongly disagree. In the past 25 years Labour have gone from pretend Commies to people who thought Neil Kinnock wasn't a **** to Tories in disguise to simply a parade of incompetent ****s. There's something sinister about a bunch of ****s who present themselves as not being ****s. There was definitely something sinister about Blair. At least the Tories are up front and honest about being ****s.
My definition of politicians happens to coincide with the definition of Psychopathy in Wikipedia.

Psychopathy is a mental disorder characterized primarily by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, and deceptiveness. Psychopaths are highly prone to antisocial behavior and abusive treatment of others, and are very disproportionately responsible for violent crime. Though lacking empathy and emotional depth, they often manage to pass themselves off as normal people by feigning emotions and lying about their pasts.
Remind me again about the various PFI fiasco's and who championed them?
Remind me again about the various PFI fiasco's and who championed them?

Wasn't me. Stupid idea in principle, even more stupid in practice. Still, you can console yourself by remembering some people have gotten very rich on the back of it and haven't had to pay tax on what they made.
Agreed. The fact that there are people out there driving that are that stupid is that bit that worries me (and pisses me off).
Like those who don't realise that the outer lanes on dual carriageways and motorways are for overtaking? I bet they're the ones who queue up for petrol pumps. In fact, I'd wager a lot of money on that fact, if I was a gambling person, but I'm not.
Indeed. I would just like to keep a perspective on the Liam Fox bollocks.

So no one is allowed to castigate Fox for being an utter ****wit, displaying godawful decision making and not abiding by the spirit of the Parliamentary Code of Conduct because it didn't involve the loss of billions of pounds?
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