Press Conference At Walkers Today

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we will now have a run which will get him the job.

Might lead to a few of the norwich lads moving over here though, wouldnt mind signing huckerby for a start.

Or Dublin^
Allows Worthington the opportunity to stake a claim whilst also getting himself in the shop window come the inevitable managerial merry go round in the summer.

I just think it makes it hard to get rid of him when the season ends . I think we'll be stuck with him..... and what a boring appointment that will be.
Very sensible decision by MM, he can appoint a proven manager at this level to steer the club to safety whilst allowing him time to fully assess the options available rather than making a panic appointment on a long term contract. Allows Worthington the opportunity to stake a claim whilst also getting himself in the shop window come the inevitable managerial merry go round in the summer.

Very true - and it would seem to bear out MM's statement that it was a sudden decision brought on by Monday's performance at Plymouth.
some of the wankers on radio leicester are making me want to go killing gormless pricks in the city centre
I just think it makes it hard to get rid of him when the season ends . I think we'll be stuck with him..... and what a boring appointment that will be.

Why ?? He will have a short term contract till the summer end of, allowing MM to reassess and see who is available in the summer. At least Mandaric has learnt from previous mistakes and not made a panic appointment just for the sake of it, sensible IMO.
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how refreshing that every time i hear mm speak i agree entirely in what he says. he really does know what he's doing in regards to this football club.
I just think it makes it hard to get rid of him when the season ends . I think we'll be stuck with him..... and what a boring appointment that will be.

i was worried about the appointment but thinking about it he's exactly what we need. a boring style of play doing the basics is all this squad is capable of. hand in hand
Why ?? He will have a short term contract till the summer end of, allowing MM to reassess and see who is available in the summer. At least Mandaric has learnt from previous mistakes and not made a panic appointment just for the sake of it, sensible IMO.

If we stay up he's going to find it very difficult to boot him out though and keeping us up is hardly Mission Impossible:102:
some of the wankers on radio leicester are making me want to go killing gormless pricks in the city centre

I think they trawl the streets looking for all of the feckin' Not-Rights
I think they trawl the streets looking for all of the feckin' Not-Rights

Good at picking them out as well Homer.

Looking forward to going to the Norwich game now. Probably the last chance I will get this season to come down. I hope there is a decent atmoshpere for a change and a good crowd after this announcement.
Well....... I'm underwhelmed. Didn't like the way Norwich played under Worthington, bunch of pansies. I hope we don't start playing that way. And I hope that we don't feel forced to keep him just because he keeps us up with a couple of results.
Well....... I'm underwhelmed. Didn't like the way Norwich played under Worthington, bunch of pansies. I hope we don't start playing that way. And I hope that we don't feel forced to keep him just because he keeps us up with a couple of results.

milan isnt stupid, he is looking at all avenues. i could probably keep leicester up, the players should be able to stay up without a manager, its not going to be the biggest achievement of all time and mm knows it.
I was against the appointment Of Kelly but I supported the team.I don't rate Worthington at all,he's A Nothing Manager but I hope he keeps us up.How anybody can say that he definately won't goet the job full time I find hard to believe.I fear us going full circle like we did when RK got the job.We seem to be making the same mistake twice.Why do we insist on farting about with Stop Gaps.

Highland, I agree absolutely.

This, in my opinion, is the single most boring, unimaginative, tedious appointment that this club has EVER made.

I am not a happy chappy at all. Worthington is a past-it, unwanted, non-motivating, laughing stock. If anyone thinks he can kick the arses of the useless feckers we currently have, then they are very much mistaken.

I don't rant often but I'm absolutely peed off with this.

Perhaps not, but Milan doesn't want to get onto the bad side of the fans. If NW keeps us up you know there is going to be a number of fans calling him a 'great guy' who has 'saved our club' and should be 'given a chance'. Same situation as with RK.
Highland, I agree absolutely.

This, in my opinion, is the single most boring, unimaginative, tedious appointment that this club has EVER made.

I am not a happy chappy at all. Worthington is a past-it, unwanted, non-motivating, laughing stock. If anyone thinks he can kick the arses of the useless feckers we currently have, then they are very much mistaken.

I don't rant often but I'm absolutely peed off with this.


Its ok though,its only for 5 games.
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