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FF must be joking.

Think the standard practice within the LGBTQ community anyway is to refer to transgender people as male/female depending on how they wish to be perceived. I think that's fair - I don't feel the need to point out that she's not biologically a woman.

Would I be being flippant and uncaring if I remarked that if I wished to be perceived as royalty I should expect to be addressed as His Royal Highness even if i obviously wasn't?

This wasn't a dig at the transgendered or pre-transgendered, it was simply acknowledging basic facts. However anybody wishes to be perceived is fine but the perception doesn't change the reality.

All IMHO of course. Hugs and kisses to anybody who chooses to disagree.
It worries me that people thought a) it had a possibility of being real, b) it would be on that website and c) people didn't realise I was joking.

Must remember to use more winky faces in future.
Would I be being flippant and uncaring if I remarked that if I wished to be perceived as royalty I should expect to be addressed as His Royal Highness even if i obviously wasn't?

This wasn't a dig at the transgendered or pre-transgendered, it was simply acknowledging basic facts. However anybody wishes to be perceived is fine but the perception doesn't change the reality.

All IMHO of course. Hugs and kisses to anybody who chooses to disagree.
Would His Royal Highness be so kind to please stop hugging and kissing me?
It worries me that people thought a) it had a possibility of being real, b) it would be on that website and c) people didn't realise I was joking.

Must remember to use more winky faces in future.

The thing is Fryatt old chap, when it was first pointed out that it was a spoof site you still came back with "Every now and then they post actual true stories. Like this one. "

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Extra hugs and kisses to you as it seems Blaarev doesn't want his share :icon_wink
Would I be being flippant and uncaring if I remarked that if I wished to be perceived as royalty I should expect to be addressed as His Royal Highness even if i obviously wasn't?
Would I be flippant and uncaring if I said that's a poor comparison ? :icon_wink
This wasn't a dig at the transgendered or pre-transgendered, it was simply acknowledging basic facts. However anybody wishes to be perceived is fine but the perception doesn't change the reality.

All IMHO of course. Hugs and kisses to anybody who chooses to disagree.
I don't question your biological knowledge, it seems spot on, it's more to do with respect. If you really hated your name that you got from your Swedish great-grandfather and said "please don't call me Knut, I want to be called David", I would probably be perfectly within my rights to say "so have you changed it by deed poll then? You haven't because you've been in a prison cell for the last few years? Well that's very unlucky, Knut". But it would be a bit douchebaggy, see what I mean?
I don't question your biological knowledge, it seems spot on, it's more to do with respect. If you really hated your name that you got from your Swedish great-grandfather and said "please don't call me Knut, I want to be called David", I would probably be perfectly within my rights to say "so have you changed it by deed poll then? You haven't because you've been in a prison cell for the last few years? Well that's very unlucky, Knut". But it would be a bit douchebaggy, see what I mean?

Yes. Yes I do. I still maintain that the original BBC interview amused me somewhat though albeit that my amusement wasn't meant to be derogatory.

BTW - I love the 'douchebaggy' term. My sister-in-law used to call my brother douchebag for years as he didn't have a clue what it meant and couldn't be bothered to look it up :icon_bigg
You do know that is a satirical website rather than a serious news site don't you Blaarev? :icon_wink

Crikey - it's like groundhog day in this thread :icon_lol:
But itz on the interwebz? It must be ture!
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