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Looks like Enderby has some competition:icon_bigg:icon_bigg

Nicholas Read, 40, of Wade Close, Stoke-on-Trent, was found guilty of performing a sex act under cover of a juggler's hat in October 2010.

A 17-year-old girl told Leicester Crown Court she felt "trapped" sitting next to Read on a London to Leicester train.
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My favourite Judge gives some scrote a piece of his mind.

I wish I'd seen this case; I saw HHJ Wide give the defendant in this trial a dressing down, after instructing his barrister to the stupidest plea in mitigation outside of Bar School, and then trying to sack her when it wasn't going to happen. Why it wasn't reported, I don't know, it was the most interesting part of the hearing.

I also in the public gallery for this matter. HHJ Wide is not one to mince his words!
My favourite Judge gives some scrote a piece of his mind.

I wish I'd seen this case; I saw HHJ Wide give the defendant in this trial a dressing down, after instructing his barrister to the stupidest plea in mitigation outside of Bar School, and then trying to sack her when it wasn't going to happen. Why it wasn't reported, I don't know, it was the most interesting part of the hearing.

I also in the public gallery for this matter. HHJ Wide is not one to mince his words!

Is he the one that they refer to as Hang 'Em something or other?
Yeah right. Because air hoses do that sort of thing don't they!


Is it right for a constabulary to be publishing cases like this under the banner 'Justice Done'?
What selection criteria do they employ as to which cases are published?
Does this not amount to judicial gloating?
Surely, after arrest, charge and presenting of evidence, the police should have no further input, or output, regarding a case?
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