Sunday League Football

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2-2 against 3rd at hum.

Ref made a shambolic decision which went in our favour (the ball clearly changed direction). We get our Rory Delap to launch it into the box, keeper makes two saves, I miss the ball on the rebound but then wallop one of our lads sees it in....last minute...oo ya beauty! Goalscorer took his shirt off and the ref booked him! What rubbish.

Good way to put last week's effort behind us.

Hazz, i actually saw this goal from our pitch. Cannot believe he got booked, mind you i reckon it was just an excuse for Kenno to show how skinny he is these days!

We lost 3-1 to Sporting Wigston, but i got through 90 minutes so im happy.
Game got abandoned after half hour, one of their players got airlifted to hospital. We were winning 2-0 at the time as well!
Lost 2-1 today, i wasnt there as my season ended wednesday when I dislocated my knee at training :icon_sad:
ouch! i've dislocated my shoulder 4 times and that was ****ing painful-i reckon a knee must be much worse.

Bet it was such a relief when popped back in!
One of our opposition today reckoned his knee popped out of his socket....he was back playing within a minute. :icon_lol:

when i did it i sat down for 15 or so mins before trying to run it off. It swelled up to the size of a football in the pub after (not immediately) and has only just started going down. As it took so long to swell up thats how the doc knew it was a dislocation and not cartilage or ligaments which would swell straight away.

similar thing happened 8 weeks ago but not as bad and nurses at harborough hosp said it was cartilage and just to rest and ice it.:098: Hence why it went without warning (could have gone at anytime as the knee cap was not completely back in place) and why i have to have an MRI scan tomorrow to see if theres any fractures or permanent damage cos it still hurts to feck.

Probably my cricket season ****ed aswell :icon_cry:
couple injured, some at work, some with other stuff, some with kids, pissed up lino and Granty went to the zoo instead

:icon_lol: Probably more at home there to be fair.
We won (again) 4-1 which makes it 6 in row now for us. New signing isshit hot and has set up 7 goals in his 5 games and scored 2. Still can't get above 7th at the mo though. Need a real push in the last few games to move up.
Managed a double win over the weekend...2-1 on Sunday and 2-1 today. 180 minutes I did!

Apparently we could be third thus maybe a choice for promotion.

Drew, can you confirm whether Exeter Arms Ressies have fold?
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My comeback from injury...we lost 7-1.

Same old bullshit excuses...

Only 9 players turned up so we had to call in some backup players who were awful.

Crappy negative tactics, 2 DMC's sat in front of our back 4. I was left alone running round in the centre against their 3 CM's (like a headless chicken).

The pitch was basically a swamp, in the centre circle i couldnt move my feet for the mud.

Next season im on the move.
No game at all last weekend but results didn't go our way either. 2 games this weekend will decide whether we finish 6th, 7th or 8th I reckon.
We were on our way to the game when the opposition rang and said the ref had called it off. Wanker!

We start our midweek action on Friday night at our place. Hopefully will be another win on the cards

I hope you continued your trip all the way there and then claimed expenses?:icon_bigg Our first midweek game is friday as well.
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3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
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18Tottenham 00
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