The Bullplop Rumours Thread

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Re: Rumours Thread

Probably a bit harsh with hindsight, but I really don't think he'll ever come good for us. Maybe the odd good pass every 5th or 6th game, but that's it

He is wank, in my humble opinion
Re: Rumours Thread

Stop arguing about it, just give peace a chance
Re: Rumours Thread

i agree .end of season make him capt build a teamaround him.

alex compares hughes to izzet.izzet got stuck in on occasions and hughes is a one trick pony.

As Homer said, just imagine......

I think Alex is trying to say that just because you are lightweight does not mean you are not a good footballer. I just think that for a long time we have not got the balance of the midfield right, if I remember rightly if we reverted to 4-4-2 Lennon, Izzet or Savage were never as effective than if they had another two next to them. I am obviuosly not saying they were anywhere near as bad as this lot, but I have said many times I think reverting to a 3-5-2 would help Williams, Hughes e.c.t a great deal.
Re: Rumours Thread

i agree .end of season make him capt build a teamaround him.

alex compares hughes to izzet.izzet got stuck in on occasions and hughes is a one trick pony.

Nope he isn't. Alex is saying that to be a good midfield player one doesn't always need to be built like Gerrard.
Re: Rumours Thread

Nope he isn't. Alex is saying that to be a good midfield player one doesn't always need to be built like Gerrard.

hughes wouldnt have got in mon second team.fact.

if iwas to do a poll on, for hughes or against hughes, the againsts would have it.fact.
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Re: Rumours Thread

have to agree that Hughes is gash
Re: Rumours Thread

i agree .end of season make him capt build a teamaround him.

Be a big team have you seen him lately the fat little fecker.He virtually manages to wobble out the centre Circle.I think he would struggle with fitness in the Championship he has piled the weight on since moving up here
Re: Rumours Thread

Be a big team have you seen him lately the fat little fecker.He virtually manages to wobble out the centre Circle.I think he would struggle with fitness in the Championship he has piled the weight on since moving up here

would still get him down here.future coach/manager and all that:038:
Re: Rumours Thread

would still get him down here.future coach/manager and all that:038:

Yep - all we need right now is someone else who has never ever coached or managed a football club :icon_roll
Re: Rumours Thread

I don't think Hughes is the worst player we have but he's just not suited for the Championship
Re: Rumours Thread

Alex doesn't think that Alex has turned in to MA yet.

Joe_Fox hates speaking in third person.
Re: Rumours Thread

Hughes is brilliant on my Championship Manager 2007 game!:icon_roll
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