Things that piss you off

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twats at train stations who listen to an announcement, then ask me what said announcment was, even though we both heard same announcement!
I cant draw by hand to save my life. Managed to skip the technical drawing hazz is doing. in fact this has just made me think of something, im off to the people that piss you off thread.

You can't draw by hand in the job you're in? :eek::icon_wink
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Everything is done on CAD these days, though i do do a lot of hand sketching so a muppet technician can copy it!! :) But you are right, technical drawing is a bit of a waste of time, though i have no idea what you spent £70 on!! Pencil and ruler would be sufficient surely!!

The drawing board cost near half - then the cartridge paper and tracing paper. Someone at work gave me the expensive drawing pens.
The drawing board cost near half - then the cartridge paper and tracing paper. Someone at work gave me the expensive drawing pens.
Isn't this all you need....

Coventry City, i hate them, and nothing bad ever seems to happen to them.

Oh wait............
I cant draw by hand to save my life. Managed to skip the technical drawing hazz is doing. in fact this has just made me think of something, im off to the people that piss you off thread.

I was thinking the same about CAD, i really cant be arsed with it!!
The NHS.

Last night my grandma was rushed into hospital becuase she had severe chest pains and was in a very very bad way.

The ambulance came fairly swiftly and managed to improve her condition slightly. They then took her to the LRI for a blood test and a thourough inspection as it was quite serious. She ended up being kept in over night because they were concerned about her condition.

She had to spend the whole ****ing night in a CHAIR, and did not even have a ****ing pillow to give to her.

This is a 70 year old woman who has worked hard for her entire life, working in the mines canteens feeding the miners for years, cleaning jobs well into her 60's, and this is the treatment that this ****ing country thinks her thousands of pounds in taxes deserves.

She would have been better off at home with her also 70 year old husband who had to sit there with her all night.

Im ****ed of to the max with this backwards country.

On a side note we had the loft insulated the other day seeming as winter is coming up. Well over 200 notes for the job.

The van pulls up and what does it say on the side?

"We will insulate your loft totally free of charge if you are on benefits"

Maybe they could have put the small print on which stated that it is part of the 'screw any ****er who earns an honest living and actually works bloody hard for their money' initiative.

**** this country and **** everyone, ok maybe not everyone..
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twats at train stations who listen to an announcement, then ask me what said announcment was, even though we both heard same announcement!

You might have heard it fine but the tannoys in train stations aren't clear at all, they're usually too loud/too quiet/too distorted/etc etc. Then there's all the other noise around you to add to that.
On a side note we had the loft insulated the other day seeming as winter is coming up. Well over 200 notes for the job.

The van pulls up and what does it say on the side?

"We will insulate your loft totally free of charge if you are on benefits"

Maybe they could have put the small print on which stated that it is part of the 'screw any ****er who earns an honest living and actually works bloody hard for their money' initiative.

**** this country and **** everyone, ok maybe not everyone..

it's only free because social services foot the bill
The NHS.

Last night my grandma was rushed into hospital becuase she had severe chest pains and was in a very very bad way.

The ambulance came fairly swiftly and managed to improve her condition slightly. They then took her to the LRI for a blood test and a thourough inspection as it was quite serious. She ended up being kept in over night because they were concerned about her condition.

She had to spend the whole ****ing night in a CHAIR, and did not even have a ****ing pillow to give to her.

This is a 70 year old woman who has worked hard for her entire life, working in the mines canteens feeding the miners for years, cleaning jobs well into her 60's, and this is the treatment that this ****ing country thinks her thousands of pounds in taxes deserves.

She would have been better off at home with her also 70 year old husband who had to sit there with her all night.

Im ****ed of to the max with this backwards country.

A shocking way to treat anybody, of any age.

Hope your Grandma gets well soon.
...........On a side note we had the loft insulated the other day seeming as winter is coming up. Well over 200 notes for the job.

The van pulls up and what does it say on the side?

"We will insulate your loft totally free of charge if you are on benefits"

Maybe they could have put the small print on which stated that it is part of the 'screw any ****er who earns an honest living and actually works bloody hard for their money' initiative.

**** this country and **** everyone, ok maybe not everyone..

Most people can get a grant towards home improvements which improve the energy performance of their building. i.e. insulation or a new boiler etc. Enquire at your local council. You do have to be on some kind of benefit but this can be Child tax credit or working tax credit which a lot of households get.
Most people can get a grant towards home improvements which improve the energy performance of their building. i.e. insulation or a new boiler etc. Enquire at your local council. You do have to be on some kind of benefit but this can be Child tax credit or working tax credit which a lot of households get.

We did get a small grant, i don't think you have to be on any benefit for a grant for energy improvement. Was a small amount.

It just summed things up for me that those who do not work get rewarded for doing so.
A shocking way to treat anybody, of any age.

Hope your Grandma gets well soon.

a doctor told my grandma that her illness wasn't so bad as she has "had a good innings" the attitude of certain folk is disgusting.

as for things that piss me off........

adverts for cheaper car insurance that say "you could save £100, and get that holiday you want" £100 holiday? also that feckin specsavers one where the bloke looks ill/dying in a chair in the garden and they go on about how he should have gone to specsavers like some woman who is now sunning it up much did she save? £10,000????
It just summed things up for me that those who do not work get rewarded for doing so.

I'm not denying that there are undoubtedly people who could be classed as "spongers", but that statement seems a bit harsh and a massive over-generalisation.
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