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If we're going to discuss the history of the word chav....My understanding is that it is a word that has been around for ages (originally charva) and was the Geordie word for lad. Scotchy Charva is why it is now derogatory as that was the term for lads from the Scotswood part of Newcastle who are often scum of the highest order
I thought that 'Chav' was the romany word for boy.

No. Just another racist derivation that ****s me off. OED gives this:

[Probably either < Romani havo unmarried Romani male, male Romani child (see CHAVVY n.), or shortened < either CHAVVY n. or its etymon Angloromani chavvy.
It has also been suggested that this word is a colloquial shortening of Chatham, the name of a town in Kent where the term is sometimes said to have originated (compare quots. 1998, 2002), although this is probably a later rationalization.]

In the United Kingdom (originally the south of England): a young person of a type characterized by brash and loutish behaviour and the wearing of designer-style clothes (esp. sportswear); usually with connotations of a low social status.

1998 Re: Commuter blues! in uk.local.kent (Usenet newsgroup) 8 May, Travelling from Maidstone to Chatham every day was bad enough. I was born in Brompton so am I a Chav or what? 2002 Observer 26 May I. 5/5 Meet the Chatham Girls, known as ‘Chavs’, whose fashion sense and reputation for easy virtue have earned them a global following as worthy successors to their northern neighbours [sc. Essex Girls]. 2004 Sunday Times (Nexis) 15 Aug. (News Rev. section) 4 Older children desire nothing more than to dress, talk and behave like chavs, that is, a youth tribe that prides itself on council-estate chicman-made fabrics, fake labels and lots of eight-carat gold: think Vicky Pollard in Little Britain.
No, not really.

Oh dear.

Something which attracts chavs. I was uncomfortable with using the phrase initially, but your objection has made me feel better about it :)

"One of".

My comments on "chavs" and The Guardian were of course partly mischievous - though only partly. I have noticed that The Guardian and The Indy are more likely to use the word "chav" and to sneer at the working class tastes (television, books, movies) than The Mail and Telegraph.

When my niece used the word I told her that it is a word used by those who have been lucky with their parents about those who have not. I am willing to accept that there are no doubt exceptions to this.

The real reason I am uncomfortable with the word Chav is that it is a putdown and I believe that everyone in the world is to be valued - with the possible exception of Neil Warnock.
The real reason I am uncomfortable with the word Chav is that it is a putdown and I believe that everyone in the world is to be valued

Only in very recent times and only promoted by red top scumbag newspapers.

Until very recently, as in the last few years, to me a 'chav' was just a young person, a youth, a teenager. Nothing more, nothing less.
It really is bizarre how the word has taken on new meaning and it is purely fuelled by the scum press that you have in the UK. They decide it and you believe it, you sad bastards.
Only in very recent times and only promoted by red top scumbag newspapers.

Until very recently, as in the last few years, to me a 'chav' was just a young person, a youth, a teenager. Nothing more, nothing less.
It really is bizarre how the word has taken on new meaning and it is purely fuelled by the scum press that you have in the UK. They decide it and you believe it, you sad bastards.

My experience is that the word "chav" is more likely to be found among Guardian and Indy columnists than among the redtops.

I cannot deny your comments on British newspapers. I am reminded of an interview the great American journalist Ed Murrow did with Aneurin Bevan that began:
"Mr Bevan you have stated that tbe British press is the most prostituted in the world. On behalf of the American press may I thank you."
My experience is that the word "chav" is more likely to be found among Guardian and Indy columnists than among the redtops.

Seriously, does that not utterly dismay you? Two, supposedly, newspapers of some integrity, following the lead of the scum press?
A 'chav' has always just meant a young person, until the redtop scum redefined it and the wankers at the Grauniad and the Indo just pathetically followed them along like the shower of arseholes that they are.
Seriously, does that not utterly dismay you? Two, supposedly, newspapers of some integrity, following the lead of the scum press?
A 'chav' has always just meant a young person, until the redtop scum redefined it and the wankers at the Grauniad and the Indo just pathetically followed them along like the shower of arseholes that they are.
Firstly, Macko, it's not a word. I apologise for using it, because it should really be up there with 'guesstimate' on the 'non words only uttered by twats' shelf.

Secondly, it's a noise I'd never once heard before returning from Australia in April 2004, by which time virtually everyone was using it to describe Burberry-clad, lager drinking, thieving lowlifes.
If you haven't been driven away, Danny boy, I'd like to give you exactly what I hate about being a Leicester fan:

1. Being surrounded, every single game, by whingeing arseholes who frankly do not understand the sport.
2. The fact that the team invariably gets booed off the pitch after a defeat, and sometimes even after a draw.
3. The Fosse Boys and their odious, offensive little crusade disguised as an admirable effort to bring atmosphere to the ground but with the actual aim of pissing people off and breaking as many rules as possible.
4. People I've never seen before who try to tell me I'm not a proper fan just because I don't get pissed and sing shitty little chav magnet songs.
5. The fact that Leicester fans routinely molest and rape one of the greatest songs ever: "When y' smarlin', when y' smarlin', the 'ole world smarws wiv you..."
6. "We're the leeeeeeeft side, we're the leeeeeeeft side..." Nobody gives a shit. Shut the **** up.
7. Having a standard issue 21st century replacement football stadium (blue seats).
8. Milan Mandaric is a loon, and a clueless one at that.
9. The fact that our fans will happily chant "Nobby Solano" (who was shit) but shout abuse at Andy King (who is, almost without exception, brilliant).
10. Our manager thought that going to Hull was a good idea. Hull!

Sod it, there's more but I'll just put myself in a bad mood.

I agree with virtually all of that
You'll also get arseholes moaning and booing if Waghorn and Abe don't score/perform instantly.
I bet this guy wishes he never asked. :icon_lol:

Edit. The words chavvy must have been a cockney reference to youth at one stage as the first time i heard was in the song Hersham Boys by Sham 69which was 1979 and long before its recent revival.
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Seriously, does that not utterly dismay you? Two, supposedly, newspapers of some integrity, following the lead of the scum press?
A 'chav' has always just meant a young person, until the redtop scum redefined it and the wankers at the Grauniad and the Indo just pathetically followed them along like the shower of arseholes that they are.

Yes it dismays me. My only disagreement with you is that you refer to The Indy and The Guardian as "supposedly newspapers of some integrity." I suspect that people make excuses for those two while condemning the equally bad Daily Mail according to political leanings.

I have often said that if you buy a newspaper you need to buy two - The Guardian and The Daily Mail. Either one on its own will give a thoroughly distorted view.

Perhaps the thing that dismays me most is that by far the biggest selling newspaper is The Sun. However, I once picked up a copy of The Sun left in a hotel lobby and a friend quickly took a photo of me reading it so there is evidence that deep down I am "a Sun reader."

The only source of information I trust as being written by people of subtle intelligence and unquestioned integrity is Talking Balls.
The only source of information I trust as being written by people of subtle intelligence and unquestioned integrity is Talking Balls.


For what its worth, out of choice I'd read the Independent, every time.

I tend not to though and can't really understand why hard-copy newspapers still exist.
Agree with what BM says.

Will also add to what he says about Andy King and I posted this on another thread a week or so ago, but the ludicrous people who think Fryatt is crap or not good enough just because he misses a few one on ones when he creates so many opportunities for both himself and his teammates and they are nearly always the same people who turn Steve Howard or Martyn Waghorn into cult heros because they "try hard."

Actually, screw that, one thing I hate is our fans seem to ignore any type of good off the ball work or even simple on the ball work which allows the game to flow and never seem to understand there is more to a player than just getting on the ball and running with it.

Also, people who have vendettas against a single player, who point out EVERYTHING they have done wrong by usually shouting "YOU PRAT!" then completely ignore them when ever they ever do anything well. There is a bloke in front of me with a Gallagher vendetta and a woman behind with an Oakley one, both annoy the crap out of me.
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Agree with what BM says.

Will also add to what he says about Andy King and I posted this on another thread a week or so ago, but the ludicrous people who think Fryatt is crap or not good enough just because he misses a few one on ones when he creates so many opportunities for both himself and his teammates and they are nearly always the same people who turn Steve Howard or Martyn Waghorn into cult heros because they "try hard."

Actually, screw that, one thing I hate is our fans seem to ignore any type of good off the ball work or even simple on the ball work which allows the game to flow and never seem to understand there is more to a player than just getting on the ball and running with it.

Also, people who have vendettas against a single player, who point out EVERYTHING they have done wrong by usually shouting "YOU PRAT!" then completely ignore them when ever they ever do anything well. There is a bloke in front of me with a Gallagher vendetta and a woman behind with an Oakley one, both annoy the crap out of me.

I was like that with David Martin. Only I don't ever remember him doing anything good. I think I only saw him play for us twice or three times though. He was rubbish.

I hope he googles his name and finds this... David Martin, you are rubbish.
I love football as a whole. The only thing which sadly makes City any more 'special' is it's my hometown club. When we moved into the Walkers, it sort killed any unique quirks to the club and I find them more lower down the leagues. Walkers is beginning to feel like home down regardless of what folks say about it being a bowl etc and it's comparison to Filbo.

I suppose the most gripping thing about LCFC is our incredible ability to **** something up and it's constant rollercoaster of emotions. The club manages to build up hope and very rarely delivers. It's the beauty of being one of the also-rans; outside of the Premiership top six or seven and it's for the better really. I'd hate the supposed disappointment from finishing fourth and having to play a Champions League qualifier or how losing one singular game would bodge up your season.

Oi, Marshall kid. Martin made an incredible save at Orient when it was 1-1 from Chambers brother. Best save I'd seen a City keeper do in donkeys.
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