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EMC Fox said:
I have the feeling that as a supposedly shrewd businessman... the person you're talking about wont put his extra £350K in as it gives him no more say than he has with £150K... that's why he wants to put £5m in and effectively own the club (as majority shareholder)

It's a case of all or nothing... he's not in the habit of chucking money away for no tangible return.

Well again, if he ever attended a game we would ask him........
Duzza said:
Any ideas on the reasons for that?

Yes, because he was part of the board that took the club under.

This was also true of Greg Clarke, who is in the current regime as a Non-Exec Director, however at the open meeting while some fans were not happy with anybody from the old board being involved, it was accepted that one person may be beneficial to help run the club.

The views expressed on the night however included many passionate voices against MG
FT any feedback from last night FCC meeting, regarding the rumours ? Also who was in attendance from the club ?

The attendees at the FCC last night from the club were Tim Davies, Peter Jones, Andrew Neville & Carey York (TD's PA)

The rumour issue was not discussed, we believe with AN sitting there that those attending felt uncomfortable asking.

However we gather that a media story will break tomorrow. Not sure if a National newspaper will run a piece & that may not be that accurate, however expect more local coverage to be accurate and be in line with our understanding.
People have a habit of slating people like MG without understnading the full facts. Once one starts the crowd follow. Although I do beleive he still isn't popular with supporters generally.
Duzza said:
People have a habit of slating people like MG without understnading the full facts. Once one starts the crowd follow. Although I do beleive he still isn't popular with supporters generally.

I think he may well become a lot more popular as the days drag on, sometimes people only realise and appreciate somebody once they are no longer in the position, with the sh1t flying, I expect MG to become a very attractive alternitive to City fans.
Foxes_Trust said:
Yes, because he was part of the board that took the club under.

This was also true of Greg Clarke, who is in the current regime as a Non-Exec Director, however at the open meeting while some fans were not happy with anybody from the old board being involved, it was accepted that one person may be beneficial to help run the club.

The views expressed on the night however included many passionate voices against MG

In that case there are a number of knee-jerk-reaction fans of our club. MG has shown a knack of making good appointments (Little (? - was this MG on second thoughts), McGhee (OK he shafted us, but we played excellent stuff under him) and MON) and he had an understanding of the football side as well as the business side.

How much influence he had as a director when John Elsom was chairman I don't know, and certainly the reason we find ourselves where we are now is directly down to that particular regime, but under MG's stewardship we had a period of relative success a club our size is not entitled to expect: his opinion should be respected and considered even if it is not followed.

I have not met any of the new board, but knew the older board members well enough, and while I wouldn't necessarily want to go out for a beer with MG, given the fact that he was chairman/director he didn't have to make any time for the likes of me, but he did. With JE, the reverse, and it was no surprise to me personally what happened happened.

If MG wants to get back involved, I am not necessarily saying replace the existing board, but his application has a lot of merits, and IMHO should be considered strongly
Jari Rantanen's Shorts said:
In that case there are a number of knee-jerk-reaction fans of our club. MG has shown a knack of making good appointments (Little (? - was this MG on second thoughts), McGhee (OK he shafted us, but we played excellent stuff under him) and MON) and he had an understanding of the football side as well as the business side.

How much influence he had as a director when John Elsom was chairman I don't know, and certainly the reason we find ourselves where we are now is directly down to that particular regime, but under MG's stewardship we had a period of relative success a club our size is not entitled to expect: his opinion should be respected and considered even if it is not followed.

I have not met any of the new board, but knew the older board members well enough, and while I wouldn't necessarily want to go out for a beer with MG, given the fact that he was chairman/director he didn't have to make any time for the likes of me, but he did. With JE, the reverse, and it was no surprise to me personally what happened happened.

If MG wants to get back involved, I am not necessarily saying replace the existing board, but his application has a lot of merits, and IMHO should be considered strongly

I would be very surprised if MG was involved in any great degree with the decision making during Elsom's disastrous spell as chairman, bear in mind that MG always ran a very tight ship as chairman, in fact he was criticised for not spending money, especially in the prem season under Little and McGhee.

MG understands the football business, and his three selections as managers, all proved to be decent decisions. He would certainly be a welcomed addition back to the club IMO.
Foxes_Trust said:
The attendees at the FCC last night from the club were Tim Davies, Peter Jones, Andrew Neville & Carey York (TD's PA)

The rumour issue was not discussed, we believe with AN sitting there that those attending felt uncomfortable asking.

However we gather that a media story will break tomorrow. Not sure if a National newspaper will run a piece & that may not be that accurate, however expect more local coverage to be accurate and be in line with our understanding.

This should have been brought up, if it was uncomfortable or not.
where would Alan Sugar be if he didn't ask uncomfortable questions.
So if I am understanding this right with the current setup it is impossible for someone to make major investment into the club only small investors?

I do know that some staff at the club want MG back.

Have you asked the members of the trust recently what they think of MG?
Chrysalis said:
So if I am understanding this right with the current setup it is impossible for someone to make major investment into the club only small investors?

I do know that some staff at the club want MG back.

Have you asked the members of the trust recently what they think of MG?

It depends what you call small - 500k is possible but not more.

No we haven't asked members on this one, as he is often at games we will ask him directly when we see him if this investment rumour has any foundation.

Also many won't realise that having initially invested in the new consortium, he subsequently sold his shareholding to other consortium members
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