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Boy Genius said:
The Spurs one in Dubai......that was well documented too

Was it?
- did we read the many pages of condemning articles of Spurs and the morales of the club, don't think so
- were pictures of players plastered over several pages of the national media
- was their Chief Exec/Chairman pictured with a microphone nearly shoved down his throat by a throng of journo's
Foxes_Trust said:
You can't dispute that comment over La Manga surely.

Also it was selective journalism, bet you never heard about a similar incident that happened with a London club within the same week of La Manga. Of course not, they wouldn't pan a London club, just pick on Leicester

Start at this page http://www.talkingballs.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10224&page=15 and then tell me that FT are not disingenious. The FT use various mechanisms to disguise, hide from, be selective about the truth and then complain when Journalists are selective about the truth. From where I stand you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

No-one can possibly say, on and off the pitch unless survival is the sole criterion, that as a Club things have gone from bad to better since Administration rather they have gone from bad to somewhat worse.

The current set up at the Club on and off the pitch is not working and honesty is needed about the situation rather that the obfuscation that we get. :icon_conf :icon_roll
Foxes_Trust said:
Was it?
- did we read the many pages of condemning articles of Spurs and the morales of the club, don't think so
- were pictures of players plastered over several pages of the national media
- was their Chief Exec/Chairman pictured with a microphone nearly shoved down his throat by a throng of journo's

keep your feckin hair on, their players never ended up doing bird did they, that was why our shower were plastered all over the papers.

I was just replying to your post saying " bet you never heard about....." well I feckin had....
webmaster said:
So you think handing contol of the club over to an autocrat is better than running it the way it is?

The short answer is "Probably".

The slightly longer answer is that it all depends on the background of the 'autocrat'.

If we could work with a powerful, wealthy individual who had a passion for Leicester City and was able to fund heavily then it would be likely to offer a better prospect than we have now.

At present the club comes across as a bit of a shambles and as I have suggested many times previously appears to have neither strong leadership nor adequate resources.

I note all this stuff about an alleged 'new broom' - which if accurate might lead to good.

I must stress that I have nothing but admiration for the people who pulled the club out of the threat of extinction and the likes of the FT who seem to be decent people - but it ain't a basis for running a successful football club at the level most of us want.
Redditch Fox said:
webmaster said:
So you think handing contol of the club over to an autocrat is better than running it the way it is?

The short answer is "Probably".

The slightly longer answer is that it all depends on the background of the 'autocrat'.

If we could work with a powerful, wealthy individual who had a passion for Leicester City and was able to fund heavily then it would be likely to offer a better prospect than we have now.

At present the club comes across as a bit of a shambles and as I have suggested many times previously appears to have neither strong leadership nor adequate resources.

I note all this stuff about an alleged 'new broom' - which if accurate might lead to good.

I must stress that I have nothing but admiration for the people who pulled the club out of the threat of extinction and the likes of the FT who seem to be decent people - but it ain't a basis for running a successful football club at the level most of us want.

Good points Redditch, I think the problem is at present, despite their best intentions the current board do not have the finances to take the club forward, at best we will be a club that treads water in mid table of the championship with an occasional challenge for the play offs, that is plainly obvious from the performances over the last 18 months or so at this level.
With parachute payments ending this season, it is going to be a long and difficult journey to reach the promised land of top flight football.

We desperately need new investment / new ownership to enable potential progression and development but that is where the problems start, in terms of ensuring it is an investment / takeover with the best intentions for Leicester City at heart. That is why if the rumours are true, that Martin George does want to make a bid for the club then IMO it should be actively encouraged, he is Leicester through and through and at least it would provide the necessary assurances that the club would be in genuine and safe hands.

Without this investment, then I think we have to be realistic and brace ourselves for a long stint in this division, the current board and shareholders must be praised and we will for ever be indebted to them for saving our club, however we appear to be at a crossroads in our future and the decisions made have to be for the long term benefit to Leicester City and not for over inflated ego's.
at best we will be a club that treads water in mid table of the championship with an occasional challenge for the play offs, that is plainly obvious from the performances over the last 18 months or so at this level.
Is it? I would say based on the last 18 months performances that we will be treading water in mid table and occasionally fighting off relegation
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Redditch Fox said:
Good points Redditch, I think the problem is at present, despite their best intentions the current board do not have the finances to take the club forward, at best we will be a club that treads water in mid table of the championship with an occasional challenge for the play offs, that is plainly obvious from the performances over the last 18 months or so at this level.
With parachute payments ending this season, it is going to be a long and difficult journey to reach the promised land of top flight football.

We desperately need new investment / new ownership to enable potential progression and development but that is where the problems start, in terms of ensuring it is an investment / takeover with the best intentions for Leicester City at heart. That is why if the rumours are true, that Martin George does want to make a bid for the club then IMO it should be actively encouraged, he is Leicester through and through and at least it would provide the necessary assurances that the club would be in genuine and safe hands.

Without this investment, then I think we have to be realistic and brace ourselves for a long stint in this division, the current board and shareholders must be praised and we will for ever be indebted to them for saving our club, however we appear to be at a crossroads in our future and the decisions made have to be for the long term benefit to Leicester City and not for over inflated ego's.

thats not a bad thing as long as the football we watch is good. Getting into the premiership maybe good for the club but the fans are worse off financially with all the over the top prices you have to pay, hoping to see the top stars who are "rested" because they are in Europe.
Boy Genius said:
thats not a bad thing as long as the football we watch is good. Getting into the premiership maybe good for the club but the fans are worse off financially with all the over the top prices you have to pay, hoping to see the top stars who are "rested" because they are in Europe.

I think that you will be in a small minority then.

I don't think that there is much joy in seeing Leicester City as having about the same aspirations as Crewe, Port Vale and swindon Town.

Basically I think the more discerning supporters have sussed the current position of the club .....we are really, really struggling & yet again, I'm afraid, it needs a fresh impetus.

PFK is right. The present lot have done a good job in getting the club afloat - but as he implies with the end of the parachoute monies, they are coming to the end of the line and I just hope that things can be moved forward.
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Foxes_Trust said:
On thing that was made clear at the open meeting when we formed the Trust by those 700 fans present, was that fans did not want MG involved in the set up that took over the club & certainly not as Chairman.

you should actually look at your post above this one.

700 fans' opinions isn't the opinion of ALL fans.
I have to say I largely agree with Redditch and PFKAKTF. The current regime (good choice of words after their Censorship antics) have reached the end of their natural lifecycle. We need fresh impetus as we did when Brian Little arrived or else the next ten years will not even resemble the the 1980s.
Didn't Martin George pay for the players and staff to go on the disasterous La Manga trip?

Also he was chairman when MA was appointed manager.
Foxes_Trust said:
We were surprised, there was plenty of discussion about it between FCC members prior to the meeting.

We had already had a response from the club & had spoken to them prior to the meeting concerning an e-mail which was posted on message boards, but gained no new information, therefore had received a direct response ourselves.

You will have to ask other FCC members why they didn't, do suspect it was because of the great deal of respect they have for AN & didn't want to put him personally into a difficult position
From the discussions before (I wouldn't say it was plenty, to be fair), and from the atmosphere at the WS, the corridors reeked of bovine excrement, and personally I thought that if I asked anything, we wouldn't be given a straight answer.

Surprised the Ft didn't mention the management team's appearance at the meeting. :102:
Bit in the Daily Mail about Birch being sacked at the end of the season, it's all a bit vague though, don't really know if they actually have any new information.
Jari Rantanen's Shorts said:
What happened there is hardly the fault of who paid for the trip is it :102: :102: :102:

Well did I say it was?
Jari Rantanen's Shorts said:
Not directly, no. What were you saying then?

Just that he does fund some of the things the club does. If hes paying for trips etc, then whos to say hes not paying for players, managerial chnages or general shortcomings of the club?
Forest is a good example their chairman has been covering their losses for the past few years, ge probably say had choice of selling players to raise few mill or take out pocket he did the latter.

I think MG has a better chance of doing that then the current regime.

Cuts are been made for next season.

I fail to see how its attractive to invest when the max you can invest is 500k and as such probably have little impact.

I think the club would benefit a great deal if someone came along invested some millions and took the club by the scruff of its neck and makes it a force again, right now the emphasis is on the business side of the club and that isnt something I like.
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