How Are People Feeling Today?

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I'm not getting into an argument about the precentage of kiddyfiddlers being men or women, suffice to say it is always far more shocking when it's found to be women because it is summat you don't see in the media as often as you do when it's men who have been caught and charged.

Anyhoo, it's a horrid subject to be discussing and I'd rather be in a positive mood today and think about us whupping the Covscum.
Then don't make sweeping unsubstantiated statements.

Oh ffs!

I'm sorry if I don't read the same new stories as you then to see that more women than men sexually abuse kids and are found out, charged and been guilty of such things.

It's not summat I actively look for y'see,stories about child abuse, but when this stuff is in the common papers etc it does tend to be more men than women who are named. Now to an uneducated soul like meself, that comes across as more men do these disgusting things than women.
That's an opinion from what I've seen and read, it's not like i'm doing a bloody thesis on it.
So if I want to say that I will, and I'll thank you not to treat me like an idiot for obviously not knowing the full ins and outs of such matters.

Honestly sometimes this place makes you feel like you are back in school detention.......
That's an opinion from what I've seen and read, it's not like i'm doing a bloody thesis on it.

These things aren't really a matter of opinion, especially when you state something as fact without having any information to hand.

So if I want to say that I will, and I'll thank you not to treat me like an idiot for obviously not knowing the full ins and outs of such matters.

But if you just say things just because you want to say them, despite their potential for inaccuracy, people will treat you like an idiot.

All that said, I know bugger all about the statistics for this sort of thing. What I will say is people are definitely more wary of unknown men around their children than they are of women, regardless of whether the men have given them any reason to be concerned.
No, all I'm saying is that if you look at the reported stories then it is more men than women, unless I live in a parallel universe to everyone else.
I'm basing my opinion on what we see in the news, and if people honestly think it's more women than men when these things are reported then they are watching/reading different news stories to me.

Of course the crucial point is the cases we see and read about, not the many stories that we will never know. And on that basis, I'll keep the opinion I have, and tbh I don't see how that makes me an idiot for having that opinion, because for a lot of things, we can only base our opinions on what have seen/heard about.

I've no doubt that women offenders are a lot more than what is reported, but as I said before, because it isn't as common to see cases when it's a women involved as it is a man, makes it a lot more shocking, as if it isn't shocking enough anyhoo.

To me, that's not making a sweeping statement, as reported cases are likely to be more men than women, how is that a wrong thing to say?

Do any of you really think we see more cases of women abusers than men then? Seriously.
As I am about to start teacher training I have had to go through the usual CRB checks so I can prove I am safe, however I have still felt a certain level of unease with certain teachers and parents when they see me interacting with their children in school. Admitedly the teachers are more the older ones, that aren't used to seeing male primary teacher, but it is a sad reflection on the way the media affects how people think that we are very distrusting of men around children, in any capacity.
To be fair to BF, I have spent quite a lot of time in the public gallery at the Crown Court over the last year or so, and I have seen cases involving alleged and actual paedos, and all have them have been male. It is quite easy to reach the conclusion that it's more likely to be men than women.
To be fair to BF, I have spent quite a lot of time in the public gallery at the Crown Court over the last year or so, and I have seen cases involving alleged and actual paedos, and all have them have been male. It is quite easy to reach the conclusion that it's more likely to be men than women.

Do you think it is because more men are, or because men arouse more suspicion and so get detected/caught more?
Do you think it is because more men are, or because men arouse more suspicion and so get detected/caught more?
I don't really know, it could be a bit of both. I would guess that half the cases that I've seen have been accusations against step-fathers where it's one person's word against the other. There's about a 50:50 chance that the jury believes the victim. I find this area difficult to discuss, as I have come to my own conclusions from what I've seen. When I decided I wanted to work at the criminal bar, this is something that I didn't think I could cope with, but having seen cases and defendants, I now feel more confident I can detach myself from the case and the issues. If it's any consolation, which it won't be, most plead guilty at the earliest opportunity.
Happy strangely. Good weekend. off, used constructively. Saturday....did one of me saddo things and went Oldham Athletic. Played well in the morning footy, the time spent down the City was enjoyable and I have pretty much completed my coursework with a day to spare bar the printing out of it. time to re-watch Le Haine.
Happy strangely. Good weekend. off, used constructively. Saturday....did one of me saddo things and went Oldham Athletic. Played well in the morning footy, the time spent down the City was enjoyable and I have pretty much completed my coursework with a day to spare bar the printing out of it. time to re-watch Le Haine.

What has happened to them they were up there with us last season, yet they look like they are going down this year.
Yes but you're a bloke. So people would say summat!:icon_lol:

I took some really good pics of BG's kids with the players at last years do. Then I let Ben have my camera for the awards bit and he faffed around with the settings and the photos are pap, this year I'm doing it!

The pictures you took last year were top quality......:038::038::038::038:

If I said that........

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