Paul Ince

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Why do some people have to be offensive when they don't agree with someone else?

Perhaps you would like to explain why you disagree? Surely that's the point of a blog/forum.

I quite like to argue/discuss a point and if someone has a more convincing view, then I'm quite prepared to concede.

So Mr Mattmeister why is my point "Complete and utter b******s' ?

It wasn't an insult, so don't take it personally.

It was just a reaction to the suggestion that Leicester would be 75% asian in just 20 years - do you seriously believe that will be the case, and more to the point why?
More to the point why would an increase in the asian population actually affect the amount of non asian football attendee's :102: What are they going to do execute them? :icon_lol:
According to the Telegraph, we should hear today from MK Dons as to whether we have permission to talk to Ince.
Funny that Blackburn have not made an official approach considering the strong rumours, if PI chooses to speak to us then i think MM could convice him although i suspect a "no" and that its the same answer Davies gave
Hopefully Grayson will say "yes"
Funny that Blackburn have not made an official approach considering the strong rumours, if PI chooses to speak to us then i think MM could convice him although i suspect a "no" and that its the same answer Davies gave
Hopefully Grayson will say "yes"

Grayson won't say, "yes". He'll say, "yes please".
It wasn't an insult, so don't take it personally.

It was just a reaction to the suggestion that Leicester would be 75% asian in just 20 years - do you seriously believe that will be the case, and more to the point why?

Simple really. The Asian population 30 years ago was around 25000. Today around 150,000. Seems to me that this number will grow further (not that it matters to me). Provincial clubs such as Leicester draw their support from people living in the area. If a large proportion of the population have no tradition of following their local team, it stands to reason that the young kids growing up in the area will not be supporting Leicester City. The dads, uncles, older friends etc are not introducing the young Asian kids of today to the delights of being a City fan. That's why I say in 20 years time the club may have far fewer supporters, especially if we have a prolonged spell out of the Prem.

Only time will tell.

To back to the original point of the post,in response to a poster that stated that Leicester will always have more potential than MK Dons, City may have more potential at the moment, but this might not be the case a few years down the line.
More to the point why would an increase in the asian population actually affect the amount of non asian football attendee's :102: What are they going to do execute them? :icon_lol:

See previous post.

I no longer live in Leicester, and despite all my efforts of taking them to matches when they were younger etc, my kids don't follow the Foxes.

The link beween Leicester City FC and the tradition of my family in following the team has been broken (which probably has saved them from a lifetime of misery!).

This pattern is being repeated as the traditional 'English Family' moves out of the City to live elsewhere. Therefore, where is the next generation of Leicester City fans going to come from?
This pattern is being repeated as the traditional 'English Family' moves out of the City to live elsewhere. Therefore, where is the next generation of Leicester City fans going to come from?

Most of the people who move out of the city don't move too far away to continue supporting the club.

If people are moving out, other people are moving in, and they could become supporters.

It's not just white English people moving out of the city, as the Asian population becomes more affluent they're moving into the county too.
Hey Doctor Foster, I'm the only racist around here so feck off!
BG. Why would you consider my posts to be racist? I'm merely pointing out that as the population changes, the demand for things changes also.

If you consider that the population of 'Greater' Leicester (Oadby, Beaumont Leys, Birstall, Wigston etc) has seen a big rise in population, I would wager that the overall percentage of people who consider themselves Leicester City fans is not as great as it was, say, in 1970.

Just my view, I might be right, I might be wrong.
What about the poles. Bloody millions of 'em. What do they love? Footy and World's Strongest Man. The Walkers is gonna be packed to the rafters with bulked up roid heads singing about perestroika.

At least some fecker will be singing.
It doesn't matter what the percentage is, it's the total number of fans that counts.

We could argue all night on this one. If the future base number of the population that are potential Leicester fans is smaller, you would need a greater percentage to get the same number of supporters as there are now.

See you here in twenty years to see who is right or not.

Anyway, Paul Ince would be mad to come here!
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This pattern is being repeated as the traditional 'English Family' moves out of the City to live elsewhere. Therefore, where is the next generation of Leicester City fans going to come from?

suburbs perhaps? i wasn't aware that there was a boundary for supporting clubs....
If you consider that the population of 'Greater' Leicester (Oadby, Beaumont Leys, Birstall, Wigston etc) has seen a big rise in population, I would wager that the overall percentage of people who consider themselves Leicester City fans is not as great as it was, say, in 1970.

But perhaps the percentage is higher than, say, the mid 80s?
Attendance is higher now than in the 70's and 80's. Didn't it go down as low as 11-12,000 at one point for league games?

I know the stadium is bigger but "generally" people are more affluent and the game is seen as a safer place to go. Being in Div Three should remind us of what the grounds and conditions were like.

And back to the point .... Paul Ince would be mad to come now .... he has everything going at MK Dons and could get them up again ... but he is under no pressure. Come to Leicester and lose the first 3 games and he'll be seen as doomed. Why would he risk it?

But I hope he does.

Er and on a social point ... having a black manager would be a good role model in Leicester ... though he shouldn't be appointed for that reason. Only because he would be the best candidate - which happily he is.
The Walkers is gonna be packed to the rafters with bulked up roid heads singing about perestroika.
He should be good on the left wing. Glasnost in midfield, opening up the defense for Umbongo to run through and score. I can see it now...
Er and on a social point ... having a black manager would be a good role model in Leicester ... though he shouldn't be appointed for that reason. Only because he would be the best candidate - which happily he is.

he gained a lot of respect from me when he was interviewed and was referred to as 'a promising black manager', he objected to this and said he wanted to be known as Paul Ince the manager not the black it should be. he could have basked in the black man glory that our media would love but instead seemed to have given it little thought
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