People That Piss You Off

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People who wont commit to something you need to know numbers for. 'oooh well it all depends on blah blah blah' I dont give a **** are you coming or not?? :098:

They were going to, but some cnut just jumped in front of them in the traffic so they will be too late now
People who wont commit to something you need to know numbers for. 'oooh well it all depends on blah blah blah' I dont give a **** are you coming or not?? :098:

Agree entirely. I recently cancelled a trip I was organising because not enough people would firmly commit - and then they all started complaining! :mad:
sorry Spanks

Thanks melts

That one thing that really pisses me off so much, i am hindu and when i use to go town and on the way home you see people screaming from across the road you fecking p*ki, and you this and you that go back to your country and shit, well if i'm born in england its not my fault, i turned around and said if you got a problem with me being here so see my parents tell them why they chose england many many years ago, i love to go out and have a few drinks a bit merry and crack jokes on the way home but some people just take it tooo far

thats what pisses me offf
people screaming from across the road you fecking p*ki
Blimey, people seriously still behave like that?, sometimes the stupid people really do make life difficult. The stupid people should really be irrelevant, but they're not
People who wont commit to something you need to know numbers for. 'oooh well it all depends on blah blah blah' I dont give a **** are you coming or not?? :098:

that is one of the most annoying things, espically when they bail out on the last minute after they have agreed to something
Blimey, people seriously still behave like that?, sometimes the stupid people really do make life difficult. The stupid people should really be irrelevant, but they're not

I just ignore it cause if i dont then it will makes things worst, i'm pretty fair so i dont really look asian but my friends do and once a friend got punch in the face because he was brown a few years ago, thats really out of order
Thanks melts

That one thing that really pisses me off so much, i am hindu and when i use to go town and on the way home you see people screaming from across the road you fecking p*ki, and you this and you that go back to your country and shit, well if i'm born in england its not my fault, i turned around and said if you got a problem with me being here so see my parents tell them why they chose england many many years ago, i love to go out and have a few drinks a bit merry and crack jokes on the way home but some people just take it tooo far

thats what pisses me offf

its a big bad world we live in mate one day us "as people " will see more then just a colour ,disabilaty ,scare ,what ever is not classed as the "norm" ,then people will see what being human is all about ,but untill then youll have to put up with us lot you big puff :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: ;)
its a big bad world we live in mate one day us "as people " will see more then just a colour ,disabilaty ,scare ,what ever is not classed as the "norm" ,then people will see what being human is all about ,but untill then youll have to put up with us lot you big puff :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: ;)

hahahaha you nearly brought a tear to my eye with your speech, encoreee
Reckons his hostel was next to a knocking shop in a Church, bang in the middle of red light district with loads of drugged up Brits shouting in the streets.

Sounds like a Friday night out in Coalville.....
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