People That Piss You Off

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Good call mate. It's even worse when people shove 4 fecking kit kat fingers into their mouth at the same time without breaking the fingers and eating them individually. Fat bastards

*shock* Who do you know that does that?

That's never a kettle.
What about people who eat the chocolate off of the Kit Kat before consuming the wafery bit (individual fingers, of course)?

I do that with every chocolate bar I eat, don't know why but I like it.:icon_bigg
I do that with every chocolate bar I eat, don't know why but I like it.:icon_bigg

I do a similar thing with sausage rolls and pork pies, i.e. eat all of the crust and save the meat bit till last.

Someone is bound to edit that.
Snap. Bounty is the best, and by far the easiest. It becomes a challenge to see if I can get the top bit off in one piece. I put it down to a lack of anything exciting in my life though. :icon_redf :icon_cry:

YEUK!! Coconut - eeeuuuggghhh! :frown:
Snap. Bounty is the best, and by far the easiest. It becomes a challenge to see if I can get the top bit off in one piece. I put it down to a lack of anything exciting in my life though. :icon_redf :icon_cry:

FFS LeeH get a stiff one up ya:icon_bigg
Any **** that appears in "It's Not Easy Being Green."

Because it seems to me it is. Since it seems to mean shit like diverting water out of rivers in times of drought, carting timber from France because it's cheaper, tooling around in a 4x4, running a swimming pool etc etc without anyone standing up and telling you that just having your garden smell of shit doesn't change **** all.

The only positive is that it has shown my ability to shout at the TV remains undiminished.
People who try to push in queues for the bus.

People who cannot go on a bus journey of little more than 10 minutes without a cigarette.

People who get onto a bus and do not have their tickets/money ready, then faff around for 5 minutes, giving the smokers another excuse to spark up.

People who park on the pavement, forcing little me to walk in the badly lit road, especially when I'm already in a bad mood, and am tired and grumpy.

People full stop.
People who try to push in queues for the bus.

People who cannot go on a bus journey of little more than 10 minutes without a cigarette.

People who get onto a bus and do not have their tickets/money ready, then faff around for 5 minutes, giving the smokers another excuse to spark up.

People who park on the pavement, forcing little me to walk in the badly lit road, especially when I'm already in a bad mood, and am tired and grumpy.

People full stop.

You're getting to sound more like Melton every day!
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