People That Piss You Off

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Girls with amazing bodies who you are quite happily staring at as you walk towards them, only to be mentally castrated when you see a face like the back end of a sewer.

These women should either put on some weight so I don't stare in the first place, or only come out at night when I am tucked up in bed and safe from wasting good "oggle" power.

Damn uggos

or atleast when you're out on the piss so you're too drunk to pay much attention to the face. :icon_lol:
As the world becomes more modern and more use to different types of people so do people change, but some people who do change do not realise what they are saying but you know that they have change and they not saying it because they are racist they are saying it because they are brought up with them types of word, by this i mean no offense to anyone here

I don't mean to be picky, but could you go away, re-write that with some sort of grammar and then come back so i can read it without frying my brain?

Thanks :icon_wink
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Tradesmen/salesmen who think that because you're female they can talk to you any way they like. I had one this morning who said that I was weird.
Not happy :mad:
Tradesmen/salesmen who think that because you're female they can talk to you any way they like. I had one this morning who said that I was weird.
Not happy :mad:

well i wouldnt say that chasing him around the kitchen armed with a spatula was that normal tbh :102: :icon_bigg :icon_wink
well i wouldnt say that chasing him around the kitchen armed with a spatula was that normal tbh :102: :icon_bigg :icon_wink

To be honest, I almost asked him to leave. He said he'd have a good laugh about me when he got back with his mates. It just makes me so mad, because there's no way he'd have said that to a bloke.
sorry mg :icon_conf :icon_redf insensitive prick that he was...why did he say you were weird?? he is the weird one
sorry mg :icon_conf :icon_redf insensitive prick that he was...why did he say you were weird?? he is the weird one

Because I don't want a bathroom like everybody else's. I want a different shaped shower cubicle which hasn't got chrome on and I don't want clear glass. Basically.
nothing weird with that at all....youre the one who would have to pay for it :102: mustve been his time of the month :icon_roll
nothing weird with that at all....youre the one who would have to pay for it :102: mustve been his time of the month :icon_roll

I don't think he'll be getting salesman of the month!
It was a bit of an ordeal actually getting somebody round to do the survey, as they will only come out during office hours, so if you work full time, you've got no chance. Definitely a company to avoid - Aqua on Parker Drive.
Because I don't want a bathroom like everybody else's. I want a different shaped shower cubicle which hasn't got chrome on and I don't want clear glass. Basically.

whats weird about that? Tell us his buisness and we wont use him or his services!
The number of feckers pissed me off on the bus this morning.

But then it was neutralised by a very funny thing.

Bus coming down St Maggie's Way, there is one stop on there, some silly middle-aged bint reading the paper completely forgots about the bus, engrossed in her paper and only realises once it's sped pass her.
Trinity Motors, Hinckley.

Tried to charge me 20 quid to change a bulb in the mrs car today, even though i already had the bulb. Got it home and did it in less than 20 mins myself. HAHA. Wankers.
The Devil 2nd cousins who live next door who tease their dog, making it an agressive mad, raging beast which has just bit me mam's arm, thereby making her have to go down the Royal.

I am really, really, really pissed off.
Self righteous pricks on internet message boards who posts things such as "You're all a bunch of tossers on here, I'm going" or "I don't know why I bother coming on here if you're just gonna have an opinion that's inferior to mine" and then continue to post long after they've been ignored

If you want to go, **** off, no heartbreak shall be shed
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