People That Piss You Off

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Yeah well you can forget that next time,I'm too busy to ring you and describe what I'm wearing down the phone
But you're never too busy to phone me and tell me when you're wearing nothing though, Dirty Bastard.
Those who write "would of" when what they actually mean is "would have".
People on Internet Forums who go on and on about punctuation and spelling.Yes you are very clever and we are all thick:icon_roll I would guess it puts a goodfew off posting for fear of ridicule but never mind eh just as long as you have all shown us just how intelligent you all are:icon_roll
People on Internet Forums who go on and on about punctuation and spelling.Yes you are very clever and we are all thick:icon_roll I would guess it puts a goodfew off posting for fear of ridicule but never mind eh just as long as you have all shown us just how intelligent you all are:icon_roll

good few :018:


Wouldn't mind being this slaphead
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People on Internet Forums who go on and on about punctuation and spelling.Yes you are very clever and we are all thick:icon_roll I would guess it puts a goodfew off posting for fear of ridicule but never mind eh just as long as you have all shown us just how intelligent you all are:icon_roll

yet the very same people allow me to get away with using far too much of the following;

yet the very same people allow me to get away with using far too much of the following;


That's acceptable though fitz.
I'm more than happy to accept people's spelling mistakes & lack of punctuation.
What does **** me off is when people try their hardest to misspell words, pretend they're something they're not & contract words completely unnecessarily, fukin tards wot iz dere prob ya gets me blud.
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That's acceptable though fitz.
I'm more than happy to accept people's spelling mistakes & lack of punctuation.
What does **** me off is when people try their hardest to misspell words, pretend they're something they're not & contract words completely unnecessarily, fukin tards wot iz dere prob ya gets me blud.

I'm more of a Crip
People who do other things when it was them who rang you.If they aren't going to give you their full attention why don't they ring when they are prepared to?
''Go on I'm listening'' No you ****ing aren't you are too busy doing something to be listening properly
I used to work with someone like that. He also used to get the main reception to put a call out for people to phone him urgently, then go and leave his desk for half an hour or so.
People who go to City matches wearing Man Utd or Chelsea shirts or take their kids and let them do likewise. :098:
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