Anybody fancy setting a poll up. FT, for or against?
For or against what, though?
You would need a lot of questions, as the criticisms from different people vary from slight concerns over individual issues to visceral hatred.
They seem to include various permutations of the following
a. Their actions
Posting on here
Not posting on here instantly when someone demands it
Giving their members information
Not giving their members information
Not giving the information they give to members to everyone else
Consulting their members
Not consulting their members
Wanting to make informed decisions
Charging a membership fee
Being slow in updating their web site
Being democratic
b. Several unsubstantiated "facts" / rumours / accusations, such as
Wanting to sell the club to the tigers
Trying to scupper the Mandaric bid
Leaking confidential information to the press
Not leaking confidential information to this board
Having a seat on the board
Being the "influential shareholder"
c. generalisations such as
Questionable Actions
Self interest
d. Coming shortly, no doubt:
Burning babies
Starting the Iraq war
and even
having F****t season tickets
It's a good job they exist, otherwise someone else would have to be the scapegoat.
Lighten up folks!