Sunday League Football

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We played some of the best football that div 5 will see (that might be pushing it a bit) and they played some of the worst. They hoofed the ball all game but, to be fair, they took their chances.

Sooner or later our good play will result in goals (I hope!). N'Guessan may be back on the wing this week!
We lost again Sunday, playing terrible at the moment. Im not there this sunday though so they will probably win, they usually do when im not in charge.....
Weve now lost 6 won 1 in the league.

Although we have made the last 16 of one of the many cups.

The gaffer got an ear load at training on Monday and it seems to have worked. He has switched to 4-4-2 and said ill be pushing the up into an AMC spot.

Sunday was the lowest point of the season so far, hammered 7-2 to a team we beat 3- 1 in the cup just 4 weeks ago. Awful.
Weve now lost 6 won 1 in the league.

Although we have made the last 16 of one of the many cups.

The gaffer got an ear load at training on Monday and it seems to have worked. He has switched to 4-4-2 and said ill be pushing the up into an AMC spot.

Sunday was the lowest point of the season so far, hammered 7-2 to a team we beat 3- 1 in the cup just 4 weeks ago. Awful.

Still 3rd in the Hinckley Sunday League division 1. Not played for a couple of weeks due to the weather. Got a clash with 2nd on Sunday. Should be a tight game.

Funny how the top 3 that got promoted from division 2 last year are now top 3 in division 1. Show's there's not that much difference in the leagues
Are you still with the reserves Drew? Me and H will be seeing you on Sunday if so!

We won 5-3 after being 3-0 down after 15 minutes. Tbf, good set of lads Exeter Arms Ressies esp. for not having giving their goalie a load of shit for gifting two goals.

I see CSKA could only draw against Kibworth....
My first game back after the six week lay off.

Away at Desford.

Most of their team looked like they had a Christmas turkey each over the holidays, let alone anything else.

We started well, taking the lead with a well crafted move. I was in acres of space square for a tap in but the selfish git decided to place his shot in the bottom corner himself.

From here we completely lost the plot. Our centre back had got in at 4am and it showed. Halftime we found ourselves 6-1 down. There was no shape to the side, i was asked to play up front but to help out in midfield, meaning for most of the game i was caught between the two amonsgt constant long balls. I think i received 3 passes to my feet in 90 minutes.

Personally after so long out and way too many selection boxes i felt that i was doing well just to stay on my feet. I had a couple of long range efforts but during my time off i seem to have lost all of my composure, which i guess is normal afer a bad injury.

Anyway we lost the game 8-2. At the end of the game i took my shirt off and stormed back to the car. Pissed off is an understatement. Iv decided to concentrate on getting back fit and nothing else.

I need to find a new team.:098:
We had a friendly with the first team which was ideal really cos I was caught blowing out of my arse far too many times and today I even ache. That's what one game in five does to ya.
Saw the consultant this morning who said I might not need an operation on my knee and to start some basic training. Hopefully I might be back in a few weeks! :icon_bigg
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