What have you achieved today?

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It was so hot, I threw my cup of water over my head (plastic cups aren't good if you're trying to run anyway). The last lap was hard because any bits of shade had been bagged by those still doing the first lap, grr.

Congrats on completing the race though, it's a great effort. You must be proud :) :038: Now all you need is someone to make you nice drinks and to massage your calves!!

I am proud yes and determined to do it again next year and do much better! Running is something I never thought I would get in to!
I am proud yes and determined to do it again next year and do much better! Running is something I never thought I would get in to!

Quite a few of my mates are saying the same thing. After calling me mental for liking running, they've started themselves, and now say that they're addicted! Must be something in the Leicestershire water!!
Quite a few of my mates are saying the same thing. After calling me mental for liking running, they've started themselves, and now say that they're addicted! Must be something in the Leicestershire water!!

I think it was running at Watermead Park early on a Saturday morning... lots of interesting things to look at :icon_wink
Quite a few of my mates are saying the same thing. After calling me mental for liking running, they've started themselves, and now say that they're addicted! Must be something in the Leicestershire water!!

I've always fancied doing either the GNR or the Leicester half marathon but I couldn't run to the other end of my lounge at the moment and wouldn't know where to start.
I hated running at school although I was reasonably good at cross country - and we did the proper stuff, across Burbage common and through a farm, not just around the school field like my daughters did.
Quite a few of my mates are saying the same thing. After calling me mental for liking running, they've started themselves, and now say that they're addicted! Must be something in the Leicestershire water!!

It's all about the challenge in the head for me. You feel chuffed to bits if you manage a decent time or a good distance. Pushing yourself to that limit you can achieve to constantly improve.

If you can constantly afford the time and effort, it's a worthy hobby.
I've always fancied doing either the GNR or the Leicester half marathon but I couldn't run to the other end of my lounge at the moment and wouldn't know where to start.
I hated running at school although I was reasonably good at cross country - and we did the proper stuff, across Burbage common and through a farm, not just around the school field like my daughters did.

The best way to start is to just go out and walk a bit, jog a bit. Don't start off by going too far or too fast, otherw*s* you risk injuring yourself.

If you want to do the Leicester Half, Runner's World has a 12 week training schedule to get you round the course. It's aimed at beginners who have never run before, and if you start next week, I think, you could do this year's Leicester Half! I followed one of their marathon programmes, and found it really helped me prepare.

It's all about the challenge in the head for me. You feel chuffed to bits if you manage a decent time or a good distance. Pushing yourself to that limit you can achieve to constantly improve.

If you can constantly afford the time and effort, it's a worthy hobby.
Interesting; there was a recent study where people who wanted to run a marathon for a second time were asked for their reasons. Most women answered it was to lose weight, or maintain weight loss. Most men said it was to get a better time. :)
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Managed to shoot plenty of Cov fans at paintballing yesterday. The other group had come from Cov, so there was plenty of banter. It nearly kicked off too when someone got shot well after a round had finished, which was amusing. The feckers got me as good as I got any of them, I have a bruise on my thigh the same size, shape and colour as one of those flying saucer sweets.
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I knew I left myself open....I was in your fair city on Saturday again. The only problem with it seems to be this demographic of lads aged 18 to 25 who are all aiming to be muscle man and walk around like they own the place.

And what was the protest at the City Hall about?
Were you there for the speedway? I trust you weren't one of the ***** blowing them bleeding horns?
I'm guessing the young men were associated with the bikes. There was an awful lot of testosterone on display in the city centre.

The protest was probably this..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_east_wales/10576858.stm.
They always seem to have one of these on a Saturday in the closed season. For anyone interested in the meaning of irony, this makes excellent reading.
Were you there for the speedway? I trust you weren't one of the ***** blowing them bleeding horns?
I'm guessing the young men were associated with the bikes. There was an awful lot of testosterone on display in the city centre.

The protest was probably this..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_east_wales/10576858.stm.
They always seem to have one of these on a Saturday in the closed season. For anyone interested in the meaning of irony, this makes excellent reading.

I was there for the Speedway. I didn't bother with an air horn (inside the stadium it was quite subdued on previous years). It's a good day (although my enjoyment was slightly reduced by one of the most annoying twats of all-time who came with us). There were four youngish lads who Welsh going around Polish gear saying to birds 'Fancy a bit of Polska?' :icon_lol:

Problem is that the numbers of nobbers who are there simply for a drink with the event as a by-product rather than just a good day with a drink. We didn't get there with enough time to walk around Cardiff as well (I think Cardiff is up there with UK's best cities).

That sounds right on the protest, it wasn't English they were screaming..sounded like a 'reet battlecry and agree with your sentiment.

Tenby/Saundersfoot next week....
The protest was probably this..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_east_wales/10576858.stm.
They always seem to have one of these on a Saturday in the closed season. For anyone interested in the meaning of irony, this makes excellent reading.

Yup, made me laugh out loud. They really don't seem to have any awareness of the contradiction between their arguments and what they practice. I'm afraid the word " irony " is not in their lexicon.
.............. There were four youngish lads who Welsh going around Polish gear saying to birds 'Fancy a bit of Polska?' :icon_lol:....

Nope read it 4 times and still don't get it.
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