People That Piss You Off

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But "How's it going?" is simply the modern form of "How do you do?". It's a greeting - and not a request - nobody is enquiring about your health or anything else. The only correct response is to say exactly the same thing.

I often say "alreet" to people as I pass them at work. Anyone from round here will respond with "alreet" or "hello", whereas visiting staff from London/Manchester etc will get halfway through saying "oh hi, I'm fine and how's yourself" before realising I'm 100 ****in metres away. Why would anyone want to start a discussion with someone moving in the opposite direction :)
Sorry to hear about that.

I haven't had any similar loss, but I am so fed up of moronic drivers including not indicating when changing lanes, not using lanes at roundabouts and those absolute ****s who sit in the middle lane whether it's completely empty or there's a queue of people waiting to overtake them.

This is a classic example of a moronic driver and happened this morning - woman in BMW in front of me, we're heading towards a small roundabout. She decides to stop at the roundabout and put her hazards on, blocking the lane, so she can answer her phone. I dont think I've ever used so many swear words in such a short space of time.
It's people who say "Hello, how's it going!" when they don't expect an answer that piss me off. Don't ask me what I perceive to be a question and then exit the conversation.

Have you ever been to this barren southern continent known as Australia?

You walk into any store and someone will always ask "Hi and how are you today" and then walk off or continue what they were doing. The amount of times I've started discussing the fortunes of my day without finishing the first sentence is quite embarressing.

They might however have just twigged my accent and started muttering "pommie wanker" under their breath.

There is an advert on TV which states Australians are known for their honesty to which I always say yes they are a bunch of racisit *****
The people who advise litigants in person to incorrectly apply case law.

Just because one sentence in a judgment helps you, if there then follow several paragraphs contradicting your argument and pulling it to pieces, it's not going to work. :bang:
Stupid women ****ing drivers that decide to reverse into me for no reason whatsoever. So having had my rear bumper replaced last month because some **** couldn't arsed to use his brakes, I now have to get the front replaced because some dozy cow doesn't know forward from reverse.

I received a card through the door today telling me they'd tried to deliver something. I heard the card come through the letter box, but I didn't hear anyone knock trying to deliver something.

One of the options I now have is to pick it up from my "local" depot. In Manchester. 122 miles away. Thanks for giving me that option. Idiots.

I received a card through the door today telling me they'd tried to deliver something. I heard the card come through the letter box, but I didn't hear anyone knock trying to deliver something.

One of the options I now have is to pick it up from my "local" depot. In Manchester. 122 miles away. Thanks for giving me that option. Idiots.

Similar thing happened to me with Royal Mail a few weeks ago, I was sitting in the lounge less than 2m away from the front door for an hour or so and when I went into the hall found a card saying they had missed me 30 minutes ago, I still don't know how they posted the card without me noticing, think it must have been a ninja postman.
Similar thing happened to me with Royal Mail a few weeks ago, I was sitting in the lounge less than 2m away from the front door for an hour or so and when I went into the hall found a card saying they had missed me 30 minutes ago, I still don't know how they posted the card without me noticing, think it must have been a ninja postman.

It's either your "selective hearing", or you were too engrossed in Cash in the Attic. :icon_roll
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